Sunday, August 3, 2008


Just got Breaking Dawn on Saturday, and I'm about to go start it. So in other words, I'll see you in a few days. Finally, the final book. The saga between Edward & Bella will be complete. Just like my life will be once I finish reading it.

So, I guess I'll catch you on the flip side.

Oh - And you know there will be some serious blogging about my thoughts about Breaking Dawn and the series as a whole. So, if you don't want spoilers you better get your copy today and start reading too. And then we can pretend we are young adults. And become blogging BFFs and discuss the vampires. You know even you Twilight haters want to know what becomes of Bella. So your life can be complete too. So, now I'm going to go read, and pardon my vampire expression, devour, Stephenie Meyer's brilliance.

My only hope is that Edward bites into her neck already. And they can live happily ever after and have Mormon vampire babies.


Stacie said...

Am, I am buying it this week. I seriously can't wait. I am so excited. we have to talk about it. I really think he WILL bite her neck in this one! Did you know I got a blog?

Jo said...

Your last paragraph is my FAVORITE two sentences ever!!!!! You are hysterical!

Joanie said...

I've never read the series! But, I am totally in love with the guy who plays Edward.. because he was Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter, and I think he's hot. Ohh, I said it! I think he's hot!

I will probably, well, eventually, read the book, I've heard only good things!

Suzanne said...

Oooh, I'm excited. I don't have the book yet...I'm on the waiting list at the library. I just can't talk myself into buying them. But it will come, and I can't wait to read it! Hooray for vampires!!