Monday, March 31, 2008


I know this a few weeks old, but I just must discuss.

This is a clip of Chelsea Clinton campaigning a few weeks back for her mother Hillary, who in case you have your head up your butt, is running for President. Here she is at Butler University. She was asked to come speak, and take questions in an effort to support her mother's run for the presidency. The rules were: Only college students may ask questions (i.e. no questions from Press), but any questions were allowed.

One particularly ballsy student asked Chelsea if she thought that her mother's credibility had been hurt because of the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Chelsea answered that this was "none of his business".

Now, anyone who is a reader of this blog, pretty much knows exactly where I stand on the political pendulum, so to speak. And therefore would love to see a dem in office come the new year. And initially when I heard her response I didn't like it. And now as a few weeks have passed, it has begun to fester, and now I almost hate her for her response.

First off, I realize that the whole Clinton/Lewinsky scandal must have been very hard for her at the time in which it occurred. Embarrassing, to say the least. But Chelsea is now nearly thirty. Several years have passed. Two entire Presidential terms in fact. And I don't think the question the student asked was out of place. He didn't ask about Monica, or Bill. Or the scandal itself. He asked about Hillary's (remember her?) credibility. Is this not fair? She is running for President. And as far as I can tell, usually, not always, your past actions dictate future ones.

For Chelsea to take such a defensive stance on the question, seemed childish and immature to me. We all know why she won't take questions from the press. Because she is afraid of what they might ask. You know, the hard questions. The one's that make you think. About who you are and your Mother's character. I think past actions, especially in a scandal like the one that occurred, matter. Hillary isn't running for PTA president for darn sakes. She is running for the President of the United States. The most powerful country in the world. If Chelsea doesn't think her Mother's actions and Character matter, then she is sorely mistaken. I think voters now, especially young ones, want to see a new President with a good Character. One that isn't corrupt (cough, cough) for instance.

In fact, Chelsea's comment, "That is none of your business" maybe could have been best used by former President Bill Clinton when asked about his private sex life. Just a thought.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

It seems like Hillary's political strategists could of briefed her on how to handle these questions. I think her defensiveness just makes it seem like there is something to hide or something that she is embarrassed about answering. "Me thinks thou dost protest too much" kind of thing.

She could've totally spinned it so that it seemed like she was very comfortable with the situation and way her mom's credibility is viewed. The response just makes me realize how afraid she is of the question which obviously comes from a place of insecurity with it all. I would hate to be her. I hope the dear girl has gotten some personal therapy.

Bad political move, Hillary camp. Give her a stock answer so she seems firm rather than scared sh*#less.