Monday, March 3, 2008


I was wondering today, why it is I even leave my house.

Somedays it really is a joke. Like today for instance.

After a fun morning playing at Cannon & Jack's house, and a super-duper yummy lunch at "The Rio" (managing only to spill 2 drinks.) We head down to Costco to pick up the new hearing aid molds. You see, Thing 1 lost one at the gym. And as mad as I was, I had to at least be grateful it wasn't the entire hearing aid. Seventy bucks verses a thousand. Hmmm. I'll take seventy thanks.

Anyways get to Costco. Find that I've left my wallet at home (you have got to be kidding me. Who does that?). So we go to pick up the aids. But Lowell is not there. So we wait. And wait. And let me tell you, waiting anywhere with two kids under 3 really isn't to be recommended. My kids have a wait threashold of about 35 secconds. And you see, I would've just gotten a cart, but I forgot my wallet, so I thought I'd just be running in and out for the molds I'd already paid for (thank heavens). Well after a good five minutes, which woulda been totally fine if I was by myself, but I wasn't. So basically it seemed to feel like a good long hour. Almost lost Thing 1. Found him down in the bakery. Just about killed him with my death stare. Grabbed him and headed back to the Hearing Center. No Lowell yet. Decide to take my crazies on a little walk. Thing 2 starts screaming because she wants to play follow the leader, except she wants to lead. So we let her lead. Only this takes way too long. And was a bad idea all around. Finally get back to the Hearing Center. Lowell is there. Yay! But Thing 1's molds? Um yeah. Pink again. You'da thought I'd learn by now not to order red. But when we had them made, red is what Thing 1 insisted upon. And the worst part? Cam sees them and says, "Yes! Pink aids!" Hubs will love this. Open the bag with the molds. Oops. They made two righties, and no lefties. Have to go in and have another mold made. Just can't seem to win today. Thing 2 is now screaming at the top of her lungs: "I AM MAD!" Really? I would never have guessed. Good thing we were in a sound proof booth. I know Lowell was hating me, but hey, he lost the happy window my kids had when he was off wherever and we were waiting for him. Finally finishes molds. We leave. Hoping never to ever return.

Taking two kids out, even for a simple errand? Just simply isn't worth it some days. But hey, at least now we have two pink righty ear molds. Yay.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Reading this and seeing days like this that my sisters have is the greatest form of birth control I can imagine!

Thanks for you nice comment on my blog. I am happy we have been re-friended too.