So, today I am feeling very nostalgic. Nostalgic in fact for naptime. Nostalgic for when naptime meant just that. Naptime.
Today Thing 1 spent his naptime biting, yes, biting hs hearing aid in half. Last week when I'd thought he'd broken his hearing aid, miraculously we were able to fix it. Today however, I think he did them in. Those puppies are done-zo.
What was he thinking? I mean sure this isn't the first time I've seen the aids in his mouth, but definetly the first time biting them into oblivion. I'll tell you what, that is one expensive nap.
Took Thing 1 to the audiologist last week and we talked all about getting new hearing aids. I thought we'd have a few months to recover from the kitchen remodel before we would have to splurge for new aids. Guess it's gonna be a bit sooner.
I think we are gonna go with the new technology they have out now. It really is amazing what they can do now. Wireless hearing aids. Makes it much easier to hear and differentiate between where sounds are comming from. And when he gets older he can answer the phone in his ear/head and listen to an mp3 player right in his aids. It's got bluetooth in it, so technically he could answer my cell phone for me. Handy, right? Only thing about this new technology is it is ALOT more expensive. About 5 grand. Then we have to buy the fm system, which will set us back another 2k. And she told us these new aids will last 3-5 years! Thats ridiculous. She recommended the families put away about a thousand a year for hearing aids. Then when the aids die you already have the money put away for the next pair.
I really, really, really, wish health insurance paid for hearing aids. Or at least some of them. That would be nice. But did you know that hearing isn't considered a necessity? Yep, you can live just fine without your ears aparently. Funny how they will cover lasik and other things like dermatology, but not stuff like hearing aids or audiology visits. Guess being able to hear and speak isn't all that important.
Anyways the good news is the kitchen is done and the pictures are up. Bad news is, thing 1 has turned into Mike Tyson.
1 comment:
I hate insurance crap. Don't even get me started. That makes me so sad that they won't cover his hearing aids. That truly makes no sense to me.
I do love technology though and that is pretty amazing what you described the new aids could do! I wish I had a constant mp3 player in my head.
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