Monday, September 29, 2008


As we were driving home from a little dinner out with our friends and fam tonight, I saw at least 15 Obama/Biden yard signs (which I was coveting BTW, since aparently the one I ordered 3 weeks ago is backordered) on our way home. As we were driving along I mentioned to Hubs, how for a state that is notoriously RED, there sure are alot of Obama yard signs around. And funny thing. . . I've yet to see a McCain/Palin yard sign. Ever. Not tonight, not all summer, never. So, this begs the question:

Are people in Zion, finally, gradually seeing the light, and moving towards wisdom and Change? Or are they just too embarassed to admit they are voting for McCain and his nut-job VP? Cause really, you would think with a state that is so proudly republican, you would see a few McCain yard signs out there, no?

Enlighten me please.


So, I must give a little product push for one of my very favorite vegan/raw food snacks on the market. I was actually introduced to these bad boys a few weeks before my vegan conversion, and have been enjoying them ever since.
These are Lara bars. They are absolutely delicious, and are completely 100% healthy. Each of their bars have less than 5 ingredients. Such as the banana bread one I just enjoyed, that had bananas, dates and almonds. That's it. Seriously. And it was fabulous. These bars have the consistency of cookie dough, and taste almost as sweet. I really love the lemon, key lime pie and pistachio. I haven't tried some of their sweeter varieties which I hear are delightful (such as the cinnamon roll pictured above). They have almost a bazillion different flavors and am looking forward to sampling them all.
Lara bars are vegan, raw food approved, gluten free, and 100% healthy. You must try them for yourself. If you live along the Wasatch front you can find them at most grocery stores (Smiths), Whole foods, and even REI.
So, far, with yummy snacks and treats like these, my vegan experience as been absolutely delightful. One week down. Forever more to go.
Thanks to Jenny O. for this sweet tip!


Have to give a shout out to Paul Newman, since he famously portrayed one of my relatives on film, Butch Cassidy (a.k.a Robert LeRoy Parker). Rest In Peace.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Oh the great debate. I have to tell you I enjoyed almost every second of this one. There were moments when John was rambling a bit, story after story, not really making any point, except for that he is an idiot, where I was praying it would end, but other than that, I thought it was very telling.

I agree with most of the other bloggers out there, that, despite my biases, Obama might have had a slight upper hand here. I think they both did well, calling each other out, but for the most part, I felt Obama just did better (As do most of the polls coming out this morning).

And really, we can go back and forth about the economy and foreign policy all day, but the overall feeling I got from the debate, was clear and present to everyone who was a viewer. Obama seemed cool, calm, and collected. He came across as smart, educated, informed, and dare I say it, presidential? Whereas, McCain just came across as a stuffy, grumpy old man. He was pompous, and elitist with all his smirks, and overbearing eye-rolls. It just came across as arrogance.

There was a point in the debate however, when Barack was direct and on the offence. And it came about when they were discussing the Iraq war. This is what he had to say:

OBAMA: But understand, that was a tactic designed to contain the damage of the previous four years of mismanagment of this war. And so John likes…John, you like to pretend like the war started in 2007. You talk about the surge, the war started in 2003. And at the time, when the war started, you said it was going to be quick and easy. You said we knew where the weapons of mass destruction were, you were wrong. You said that we would be greeted as liberators, you were wrong. You said that there was no history of violence between Shia and Sunni and you were wrong. And so the question is the judgment of whether or not…

MCCAIN: Senator Obama…Senator Obama…Senator Obama doesn’t….

OBAMA: …whether or not the question is who is best equipped as the next president to make good decisions about how we use our military, how we make sure that we are prepared and ready for the next conflict and I think we can take a look at our judgment.

Loves it!

Of course now, it's spin alley. Each campaign declaring they won, and will spin the debate to their liking.

And as for the McCain campaign, "suspending their campaign" give me a break. They were still running ads (like the one toting McCain as winner of the debate that ran in the WSJ online before McCain had even announced he was going to be attending). But honestly, the McCain camp must be freaking out now, because come this Thursday Sarah I-can-see-Russia-from-my-backyard Palin is going to be a disaster. If she debates anything like she interviews (see her interview with Katie Couric) things could get ugly. This lady is only one bad heartbeat away from the Presidency. Yes, you could say, I'm looking forward to next Thursday.

Oh, and where was Johns flag pin? Sucker.

And for those of you who are drinkers, or just enjoy a good laugh, I found this little drinking game online to be played while watching the debates. Could make for a fun night, if you like that sort of thing.

So, I'd like to know, what were your thoughts on the great debate?

Friday, September 26, 2008



Whether you are pro McLiar pants or an Obama Mama, I hope you watch the debates tonight. Do it for your country. Do it for me. Either way you swing, tonight's debates should be very informative and fun to watch. Oh, and for the love of all that is holy, if you are not registered to vote, than shame on you already. And get on that stat. It's almost October people!

I have to say, I'm looking forward to hearing John McCain try to squirm out from underneath all his lying about the Rick Davis scandal, Carly Fiorina, Keating Five scandal, and all his other campaign mess-ups. I'm also looking forward to more words of wisdom from Sarah Palin and her wedding hair. That is, if McLiar lets her debate next Thursday.

$700 Billion dollars! Watch the debates people, watch the debates.


COURIC: You’ve cited Alaska’s proximity to Russia as part of your foreign policy experience. What did you mean by that?

PALIN: That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia, and on our other side, the land– boundary that we have with– Canada. It– it’s funny that a comment like that was– kind of made to– cari– I don’t know, you know? Reporters–


PALIN: Yeah, mocked, I guess that’s the word, yeah.

COURIC: Explain to me why that enhances your foreign policy credentials.

PALIN: Well, it certainly does because our– our next door neighbors are foreign countries. They’re in the state that I am the executive of. And there in Russia–

COURIC: Have you ever been involved with any negotiations, for example, with the Russians?

PALIN: We have trade missions back and forth. We– we do– it’s very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border. It is– from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there. They are right next to– to our state.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


You scream. We scream. We all scream for icecream.

And I scream even louder for FREE ice cream.

Tonight at Coldstone you can enjoy a FREE 3 oz coldstone ice cream. That's right. FREE! But you better hurry, cause the ice cream is only FREE from 5-8 pm tonight.


Thanks Ash K. for the sweet tip!


Seriously. I know the television is pretty much the devils quarterback, but really, did she just say what I think she said?

Oh, and if you know me even a little, you know I will be using this term allllllll winter long. What? It means snow.


Who is always willing to engage me in a heated discussion. A few months back it was about car seats. Leave it to the economists to prove my point.

This is nineteen minutes of education by an economist on One of my favorite websites ever.

If it takes too long to load, just click here. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I know it's been quite a while since I've blogged about my second love - Project Runway, but my one final hope for tonight's ep is that Kennley will get slapped by Tim Gunn. Wouldn't that be lovely? Her arrogance and uncalled-for snickering is becoming almost as annoying as Suede. Girl, you better recognize.


So, let's see. Today is Wednesday. And that's as good as any a day to let you all know that I have a confession to make. And here it is: I love my planet, I love animals, and I love my body. However, that love does not precede my love for chocolate chip cookies.

And so, after I came down off of my "I'm-going-to-save-the-world-and-become-a-vegan" high, I quickly slammed back to earth and realized that I will never have another chocolate chip cookie. Ever. Oh the shame. And then I started to get all shaky and upset (just like someone who is addicted to heroin), cause I realized I didn't even have "a last cookie". Which I imagine would have been like a last supper, except better, cause it would have only involved cookies. The food of life. At least the preferred food of my life.

I'd made my decision, pledged my vegan-ism for the rest of my life, and up until this point, had been enjoying my new found diet and freedom. But really, how on earth was I going to live without my cookies? And chocolate? Damn those chickens and their eggs.

Well, as soon as I figured out my life would never be the same (sans-cookies), instead of heading into a deep depression I headed to the local library to listen to a band that was playing there on Monday night. Yep, a band. At the Library. Pretty sweet, huh? I love that, mostly cause as a kid I always wanted to just frighten everyone, and break all the rules and scream at the top of my lungs for no reason while it was all quiet at the library. Just cause I could. But this my good future vegan friends is another post and therapy session altogether. Well, I'm not sure if it's cause I was at the library, but as I was sitting there listening to all the Irish music I decided right then and there, that the library was the perfect place to get cooking books. Duh! And heck, someone, somewhere must have written a book on vegan baking. And low and behold I was right. And only 7 people were waiting in cyber-library land to get the book. So I put my name on the end of the que hold list and went to the grocery store.

And what should I find there? Only the Holy Grail of my vegan future. Yep, if you are a vegan, and have a sweet tooth, then you for sure recognized that little guy at the beginning of this post. His name is Ed. No, really, I don't think he has a name, but he is the face of The Alternative Baking Company. And these genius' decided to go into business making vegan cookies. Brilliant! And I'm sure I alone will keep them in business while I wait for my vegan baking cookbook to arrive. But until then I have enjoyed both their chocolate chip and pumpkin spice (it is that time of year) and honestly, I wouldn't even know they were vegan, organic and 100% healthy if it didn't say so on the front in big letters. Seriously. They are that good. Heck, they even make vegan wheat-free cookies for those of you that are plagued with celiac ( Jo, Hubs, & Jen.)

The cookies are a little on the pricey side, but since they are just about the size of my head, I think that's okay. Plus, they are vegan. Yay! Are you beginning to understand the magnitude of this revelation? Vegan cookies? Hooray!

Alternative Baking makes these fantastic flavors: chocolate chip, espresso chip, lemon poppy seed, peanut butter, pumpkin spice, oatmeal raisin, double chocolate, peanut butter chocolate chip, and a new cookie every few months (currently coconut macaroon).

Yes, life is good. You can learn more about Alternative Baking Co by going here. And you can learn all about Veganism by clicking here. Their explanation is much better than mine. Their product info can be found here, complete with nutrition labels and ingredient lists.

So I think I am officially saved, and can easily be vegan without the shame of no longer eating cookies. ABC has saved me! But I think Jen Blum said it best on their website when she said, "Their cookies are the bomb diggity". Is there a better endorsement than that? Go get some my fabulous soon-to-be-vegan friends.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Well, I am officially a vegan. You didn't know? That's okay, it's only been one day. But see, I can say that now. Cause yesterday I didn't have any meat, eggs, or dairy products. I was going to wait, like say, maybe 30 days until I told you (so then it would be legit), but then I decided that there really is no fun in that.
So, welcome to my vegan chronicles. I plan to discuss the goings-on of my new lifestyle, shamelessly promote you all to join the dark side, and perhaps even get some tips from you real(meaning longer than a day) vegans.
You're first question (if you care) might go a little like this. "Amy, what in the sam heck are you thinking deciding to be a vegan?! Animals taste good." To this I would simply reply, "Because." And then I would tell you why.
Really, there are so many reasons, but first, I guess is that I've never really been a meat eater. I mean, sure I like certain meats, but I've always adopted the philosophy that I don't eat cow butt, and then I thought, well, I shouldn't eat chicken butts, or their unfertilized eggs either. Which honestly, will be difficult, cause I like eggs. Or did. Now I must type as a vegan. If you think about it, eggs are half of a baby chicken. And that is just weird.
Yes, I read that book. And, honestly, as enlightening as it was, it's not the sole reason. For some odd reason, going vegan just feels right. Like my Taverniti jeans, or meditating. Except I hope that going vegan turns out to be easier than meditating. You see, I adopted meditating because Oprah told me too, and I thought it would be easy cause you just sit there and do nothing, but I am finding it to be ridiculous. Ridiculously hard, I mean. To sit still. And not talk. Or think. Meditating, although pretty much the hardest thing I do (yes, I know I have an easy life), just feels good. Being still. Being quiet. So, I hope going vegan will bring me the same sort of centerdness (is that a word?) that meditating and my Tavernitis do.
But don't get me wrong. I don't plan on being one of those vegan fanatics that throw fake blood on people who wear fur coats and stuff. This is for two reasons. One, I wouldn't even know where to get fake blood, and two, the only fur coat I've ever seen was at Emily Mill's house. Apparently it was her grandmothers. I don't know about that, but I do know that when we put it on, and slid down the banister it made for a much more spectacular ride. We used to call it the flying squirrel.
So, because of my transition to a more fantastic me, I had to of course, eat meat for just about every meal on Friday and Saturday. You know, to say goodbye. Forever. And because I had already made the transition in my mind to vegan, all of my final meals just didn't taste as delicious as they had pre-vegan, and I did not enjoy them one bit. Well, maybe the hamburger at McDonalds. This is truly the only red meat I ever eat anymore. Or that I used to eat. And I couldn't even hardly tell it was really meat thanks to those spectacularly fluffy buns, and delicious pickle and perfect catsup. Yum-o. This was in fact, my last meat thing I ate. I am sure this will be the hardest thing to give up. I know, I know. McDonalds is the home of the devil. But he sure makes delicious hamburgers. And because I am giving these up alone I am sure I will save many cute cows, I will earn a spot in the celestial kingdom, and my blood will run through my veins easier. Yay.
My other last meals were hot wings (used to be one of my favorite things) but I could hardly even eat more than one. Sure I love the hot sauce, but all the chicken skin and bone. Felt like I was gnawing on a animal bone. Oh wait, I was. Se la vie. Good riddance.
And, perhaps one of the most difficult separations with meat will be found in my hallowed Cafe Rio Pork Salad, hold the rice (may she rest in peace). I was convinced that just might have been the perfect meal ever. But knowing the treatment that pigs go through hopefully, will be enough to have me not craving this deliciousness.
But in all seriousness people, if you don't already know about the cruelty of animals, and the way they are treated you really should educate yourself. You could go here, or here.
In fact, after I went there, I even pledged to be vegan for 30 days. It was alot like pledging to loose weight with Oprah and Bob Greene, except I expect it to involve less sweat. And really, I'm going to try super hard. I promise at least to be vegetarian for 30 days. And by doing so, apparently I will make the world a more healthy, green, eco-friendly place. And I will save those lovely farm animals from lives of cruelty. And apparently I will have less chance of catching a cold, or other diseases, which sounds nice.
And if I ever falter, or am not quite sure about my decision, I can just ask myself. WWJD? Personally, I think he'd of been a vegan, don't you?

Thursday, September 18, 2008


ME: "Thing 1, where do you get your endless energy?" (after he'd taken about 25 laps around our house this morning at the good hour of 7 a.m.)

HIM: "My brother Jesus of course!"

And there you have it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


"You know what? You don't have the stupidest family in the whole world. You don't have the goofiest family in the world. And if you ever need to verify that, all you have to do is go to a state fair. Five minutes at a fair, you'll be going, ya know what? We're all right. We're dang near royalty!" - The king of redneck comedy, Jeff Foxworthy.

Yes we did. For pics, check the fam blog.


This little potty training advice is so good, I wish I'd written it myself. If you are in the market for a potty-trained child, then head on over here.

Monday, September 15, 2008


If anyone out there has any brilliant ideas about how to get coins out of my car CD player that would be awesome.

Yeah. My kids rule.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

FRIDAY FLASHBACK- vol. 5 monster mash 2

Okay, so I'm posting this a few days late again, sorry. But this one was a request. So, for some ridiculous reason, the monster mash committee decided it would be fun to have that song from Men in Black as the theme? I know right? What? Well, most of the girls took that idea and ran wit it, but me and a few others thought that it was whack, so we did our own thang.
So, today's flashback although it does indeed have most of my girlfriends in it, is mostly dedicated to Trish & Jill. We decided to raid my mom's costume closet and came up with these ensembles. I remember everyone kept asking what we were. (Like they needed to ask.) Trish is obviously an American who enjoys sombreros. I am an Indian Chief and Jill is Batman. Hello?!
I do love how all the other girls in the picture are all trying to be hard. Every time I look at Stacie I just crack up. The biker glove, and black eye stuff. Classic. And Sara's coat? It's only about 15 sizes too big. Lindsay & Holly throwing up gang signs.
Love it.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


I didn't want to discuss this on 9/11, but out of respect for the survivors, and those that didn't, you must watch this video. If you don't know who William Rodriguez is, you must google him. Also please read this article . (This article is about a former physics professor from BYU, and my Dad's old mission comp, who is devoted to studying the towers and the physics of them falling.)

I know there was a 9/11 commission report done. (Yes, I've read it) I know there were at least 15 survivor accounts left out. William Rodriguez is one. There was an explosion prior to the planes hitting the towers. There is physical evidence of explosives in the remains. These are facts.

It wasn't just planes.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


So, Yeah. I'm pretty sure I owe an apology to just about everyone I've ever met (cause I'm just a tad bit opinionated), but this particular apology today will be to my girlfriends. And yeah. Here it is.

Dear Sara, Jill, Holly, Abby, Stacie, & Trish,

I am honestly so sorry for my inability to be able to shut my mouth about our current political situation. I know you are well aware of my hatred for the current President and his insane politics. And because of this I have become just a bit too excited about the reality that he will soon be leaving office (HAL-LE-LURE-YA). And my enthusiasm for change in Washington can at times be overbearing and annoying. So for this, I apologize.

However, having said that, I still do really think that Sara Palin is an idiot. And should never have accepted the offer of VP. She has a brand new baby, and a teenage daughter about to have her own, herself. Timing is everything.

And yes, I think Barack and Joe are our country's best hope for seeing real change. Getting us out of the sticky mess we are in in Iraq, being able to lead us up and out of a recession, and being able to repair our relations with the rest of the world (just to name a few). And hopefully I will be able to find a calm & collected way of sending and sharing my thoughts about the fact that Barack is just the thing we need in this country. Another 8 years of our current politics is not.

And although I know you aren't all Republicans, those of you that are, I hope we can still be friends. Being able to discuss politics, religion, and all those other "off-limits" topics with all of you is something I love. Being able to learn and grow, and see others viewpoints is healthy. Thinking that all Republicans are idiots is not.

I can't promise to never talk politics again with you girls, (cause really, this is a very exciting time for us as a country) but I do promise to not let my strong viewpoints overpower the discussion. I promise to not to use swear words at least. Hows that for a start?


Amy R.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


With September comes many wonderful things. Such as preschool (i.e. freedom), cooler temperatures (who doesn't love a good long-sleeved shirt? Just ordered a new one for fall today from the Obama camp. Yay!), leaves changing (reds, oranges, & yellows - oh my!), Ryan (Gosling) & Rachel (McAdams) are back together (finally), tv gets good again, BB will crown a champion (Go Dan!), Utah football games, and last but certainly not least, only one month till the very best day of the year (no, not Christmas. My birthday of course).

Yes, fall is a beautiful time. My very favorite actually. I just love all things autumn. The colors, the holidays (hello people, free candy?), the re-emergence of pants. All good things.

But I do have to say, Summer O-8 was a good one if you ask me. So I decided, in memory of a such a great summer, to highlight two of my very favorite things that I did in May, and enjoyed all summer and am still enjoying here even into September.


I (meaning Hubs of course) planted beautiful petunias in my flower boxes. They look absolutely charming. And I have thoroughly enjoyed driving home and seeing the red popping out of my boxes. It's very Martha Stewart of me(meaning Hubs) I know.

and Two)

I decided our Adirondack chairs that we got from Smiths marketplace a few years ago (for only $30 buckaroos), needed a little face lift. So I went for the cherry red that matched the petunias and walla. Total and complete joy. Never knew painting a few chairs could spruce up the old crib like it did. If being a mom doesn't work out, I can always be a host on HGTV, and tell other people what they need to do to Martha-ize their homes.

HYA-HAGS (hope you all had a great summer)

Monday, September 8, 2008


If you are a reader of my family blog, you must head on over. Thing 2 had her first dance class today,and the pictures are priceless.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

FRIDAY FLASHBACK - vol. 4 wasatch warrior women

Okay, so this might just be the best Friday Flashback ever! It is soooo worth the day wait. Anyone remember junior high? Wasatch Warriors! Well, I found this little beauty at my mom's house last Sunday,along with all my junior high and high school year books (which I thought my mom threw out), and a scrapbook I'd made that is high-freakin-larious. This came out of it. I didn't even know we had dances in junior high. Wierd. This is all my friends. And because I was so awesome in eigth grade when I had time for scrapbooking, that I even wrote down everyone's names! How awesome am I? Which was really wierd and funny, cause if I hadn't written them down I honestly wouldn't be able to even name half of these chicks.

Back Row: Sherri Baker, Cami Hardman, Rebekah Odor, Krista Granato, Lindsay Pulsipher, Jody Rosander, Melissa Baird, Turia Henderson, Anna Reynolds, Ashley Sorensen, Tara Roberts, Tannya Christensen, & Ambur Dimmitt.

Next Row: Kate Rose, Angie Hanson, Liz Doman, Amy Stoker, Abbie Knibbe, Annie Whitehead, Jenee Corsi, Allison Sullivan, & Cali Goodrich.

Bottom Row: Danielle Glazier, Megan Vosgerau, Nicole Tonneson, Brittany Bowen, Yours Truly, Aimee White (holla!), & Pardis Ariazand.

Front Row: Mondis Ariazand & Holly Stone.

Oh man. That is awesome right? These chicks seriously were all so much fun. I can't believe I kept this photo. I wonder what all these girls are up to? I really honestly wish we had junior high reunions in stead of High School ones. I loved Wasatch, and pretty much everyone who went there.

Holla to my girls!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


So, I'm pretty certain I'm the only person on the planet who is even watching Big Brother 10, but if there is even one other soul out there, this post is for you. Was last nights episode hilarious or what?

First, Jerry (75 year-old -foggie) literally walks backward and falls into the pool. I rewound it 4 times.

Then, and I was screaming with laughter, how fricken hilarious is Renny? The POV last night was just about the funniest thing I've seen this season on BB, and might possibly take the cake as the funniest thing I've ever seen on reality TV.

I mean, how is it that she didn't see the colonel in this picture? If the bald head, white hair, triple chin, and ears for days don't give it away, I'm not sure what will. She tried every other male contestant, and still didn't think it could be Jerry. I. Was. Dying. Here she is trying with all her might to figure out who the two contestants to make up that baby could be. Only twenty-three minutes later. . .
And I have to say, I am really gonna be sad to see her go on Thursday. She was allot of fun. I mean really, who goes and eats Almond Joy's in their sleep? Only Renny.


So, lets talk a little Project Runway. I know I'm a week late, but we can't not talk about last weeks ep, with Kieth being aufed and all. So, lets get to it.

So, the show last week was all about designing and making an outfit out of car parts. Saturn car parts, more specifically. I have to say, that these types of challenges are my very favorite. You get to see the contestants creative sides really come out, which I love. It reminded me a bit of the grocery store challenge. Allot of people opting out for the seat belts. Just like they did with the table cloths. Oh well. I guess it doesn't so much matter what you use, as long as your design is di-zope.

So, here is the winner:

This little number was made by Leanne, and I have to say, even though I HATE those stupid bumps (why would anyone want volume added there? I guess it would make it easier to carry my two year old around. A nice little padded seat.), the rest however is lovely. The leather is Divine, and the seat belt fringe is genius. Yay for Leanne. I really like that she is coming out of her shell a bit. She is very creative, if not a bit boring in her interviews. I'm again, having Jillian flashbacks. Oh well. We have enough other contestants that keep me laughing. More about that later.

This is the losing design:

by Kieth. The Utahn. And I have to say, his design is totally boring, but that isn't what bugged me this week. What bugged me to no end, was all his whining. Whining about what the judges were expecting out of him, Whining about the challenge, and whining about being from Utah. And really? Who cares. Move Kieth. Just get out. Move to L.A., or NYC, just get the H-E double hockey sticks out. (As you can see, I have no patience for people who diss Utah. Ya don't like it? Then get the eff out.) Clearly, Kieth and I have some growing up to do.

And the one who should have won:

This coat is by Korto. And I have to say, each week she amazes me. When I saw her putting this thing together at first I wasn't so sure it was gonna be creative enough, or have enough "wow" factor. But the thing about Korto is she always keeps it real with her design aesthetic and fit. Even though the model looks like she is constipated, I think the coat itself is flawless. Too bad I'm always writing about Korto like this. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. One day soon honey.

But enough about the designs. Let's talk crazy for a bit. Okay, first off, was anybody even the least bit shocked that Stella has a boyfriend named, "Ratbones"? Seriously, Ratbones? And finally, the one episode where Stella should be in heaven with all the Saturn letha, but instead, says she wants to show us what else she can do. Okay. Whatever Stella.

But the best line of the night comes from Jerell, who said of Terri, "[She's] got two faces and only four patterns." Love it. Love it. The Catiness from the men is my favorite.

Oh, and if I hear Suede say whackadoodle one more time I am gonna whack his doodle. He is officially the oddest bird.

And tonight? I need a moment of silence for the mother-of-fashion herself. Diane Von freaking furstenberg is gonna have a little cameo. Gotta love PR.