Wednesday, April 7, 2010



Okay, first off, how completely awesome was this episode?! Satisfying in so many ways. I feel like I might be on a slight LOST high if that is even possible. We got to see Desmond again, and Charlie, and Daniel!!!!! Oh yes!!! So many things to discuss. Let's get right too it.

  • First off we must take note that for the first time we didn't get the whole "previously on Lost" bit. Which I have to say it's about time they did. Cause really, if you're not caught up on island life at this point, it's kinda silly to catch you up in 30 seconds when there is only 5 episodes left.
  • Finally it feels like the writers are trying to tie this whole fiasco up. Answers are finally coming, and quickly. Almost too quickly it seems.
  • So we found out for sure that the island was indeed not finished with Desmond. And I was confirmed in my thoughts that it was because of his electromagnetism (or energy) specialties. I'm not sure why this is, other than the fact that maybe it's because he spent so many years down in that hatch next giving himself all those immunizations? This episode seemed oddly familiar to the one where he was on the freighter going back and forth to different times trying to find his constant. Something special about this here time-traveling Desmond. Especially when he finally finds Penny and touches her hand and flashes back to the island. Maybe this is why Eloise didn't want him to find her? Then he would have a constant?
  • I did want to note that Desmond is one of the only Losties who alternate life is actually worse off island. I mean, I guess he is in some way powerful, working for Widmore and all, but no Penny, no child, no love.
  • So fun to see Charlie, although he sounded a bit like a crazy man. Talking all the mumbo jumbo of choice and free will. Even though this was confusing I feel like it was a way for the writers to get the larger point of the entire series across, that Sometimes a choice isn't really a choice. And also how about the crazy dejavu drowning thing?! Really creepy writers.
  • I thought it was interesting to see that it was LOVE that ultimately pulls all three (Desmond, Charlie & Faraday) to their alternate island universe. For Charlie it was Claire, and clearly he would rather have love for a short time and die, then live this other life he is now living. For Desmond it was Penny, and For Faraday it was Charlotte. (Also remember when Jack did sort of a double take with Kate in his flash sideways ep? Maybe it's because he loved her).
  • Speaking of Faraday. . . . He's BACK!!!! Finally. I loved this little twist of him being Widmore's son, and of Eloise being Widmore's wife. She comes off a little gangster and mobster though in that it may seem like Widmore is running the show, but clearly it's Eloise who is really the one making all the decisions.
  • But how does Eloise stack up against Jacob and the Man in Black (Locke/Smocke)? Are they (Widmores) the ultimate manipulators, or just pawns in the whole Jacob/MIB thing? I'm thinking the latter since we've seen Widmore and Eloise on the island before as youngsters. So perhaps that is when the MIB/Jacob reels them in to do their work off island? Just a thought.
  • Really quick though about Eloise, clearly she knows whats going on. Speaks to Desmond like her all-knowing self, and reapeatedly tells him how great his life is and to not mess with things. Do you think this is because Eloise can't truly get over the sacrifice the island took, of her son Daniel? Is she on the side of the flash sideways because she knows DAniel will die if he goes to the island? Is this whole universe being manipulated by Eloise just so she can be with Daniel?
  • Jumping back to this constant thing really quick, do you think that is why Desmond wants to find all of the people from flight 815? If he can help them find their constants (and does it HaVE to be someone you love or not?) then they will all be okay?
  • I thought these were some significant lines dealing with the bigger issue LOST writers are tying to get across: Desmond to Charlie: "There is always a choice brotha." Eloise to Desmond: "What happened, happened." and Faraday to Desmond: "What if all this wasn't supposed to be our life? What if for some reason we changed things?"
  • One thing I am sorta, well really actually, confused about is the whole time travel thing. I wish there was a big visual timeline thing someone could make. It sure would make understanding this whole thing a lot easier. For instance their flash sideways lives (as if the plan had not crashed) do not line up with their flashback lives. Remember how Desmond and Widmore did not get along? This is confusing. Very confusing. Because how would their lives change so dramatically just because the plane didn't crash? Suddenly everybodys lives are better? Hurley doesn't have the jinx/curse, Jack has a son, etc. But Kate is somehow still running from the same guy? I'm so confused.
  • If anyone has any insights on this or anything else from this great episode just be sure to leave a comment below. Thanks!


Jamie said...

I'm so far behind.

I was laughing so hard at your post yesterday. Yes, awkward photos.

And you're seriously going to use cloth diapers? You're a better woman than I am. I love the idea, but I don't know if I really have it in me to bite the bullet and create more work. Is that so lazy/self-centered of me?

How is the nursery coming along?

hannah said...

I think Kate will be running for a different reason! It will be a different crime. It was definitely a better episode this week!

To be honest...I will just be glad when it is over! Is that bad??