Friday, April 2, 2010



Okay, so here are some of my thoughts about Tuesday night's Lost episode.

On Island:
  • Episode starts with someone looking through night vision goggles at the Losties following Smocke. We later come to find out that odds are it's Widmore's people from Hydra island scouting out the place for Jin.
  • Okay, now is as good a time as any I suppose. Let's discuss this cave where all the candidates names were that Smocke showed Sawyer. Okay, first off, do we believe this is really the correct list? I highly doubt for some reason that this is/was Jacob's cave. I'm thinking this is Smokey's interpretation of the candidates. For example Kate's name was crossed off in the cave, yet she was a candidate or option in Jacob's lighthouse thingy. So, in the end will it be Smokey's bad that he doesn't think Kate is of importance (other than to get the other Losties on the plane) as he tells Claire? For some reason I am thinking this might be a big screw up on his part. The way the island can continue (because of her) even if she & Smocke can somehow talk Jack and the others on the plane and off the island. Just a thought. Could be way off here. Again love the light and dark. Smokey has a cave, Jacob a lighthouse.
  • Why is poor Miles always playing games in every episode? That kid needs something to do!
  • Loved the whole Miles/pilot interaction where he says, "unless Richard is covered in bacon grease, I'm not sure Hurley could track him." And then the best line, "Hey, don't talk about bacon."
  • Anyone else feel like Jack is really slipping himself into the whole Jacob role? All faith, and calm and stuff? No more doctor, angry, power trip Jack here.
  • Love that Sun doesn't trust Smocke. Smart lady. She knows she's being used.
  • Again, I must ask, why will none of the other women (Sun, Kate, Ilana) will share their shampoo, smoothing creams, or brushes with Claire? Can they not see the situation that is forming atop her head? She is three seconds away from a full head of dreads. Just so funny that Claire's hair looks like a rats nest, and Sun's looks almost nice.
  • Poor Jin, locked up in room 23. Finds out Widmore's crew took him for the electromagnetism information maps that Jin drew up back when he worked for the Dharma.
  • Loved the question Sawyer poses about Smokey flying his ass over the water to the other island. "Oh, cause that'd be ridiculous". Love it.
  • Smocke has a little conversation with Widmore. Seems those two are not on the same side, like I once thought. A wise man once said, "War is coming to this island." If I'm not mistaken, I thought that was Widmore who said that to Ben. Am I right?
  • How sweet was it that Jin got to see his daughter for the first time? Very touching. Come see the softer side of Widmore. Awwwwww.
  • Widmore tells him about the package. Who ends up being Desmond. Now. Desmond. I'm thinking he was brought back because we've been told (by Eloise) that the island wasn't finished with him yet, and we've also been shown that he is different. Doesn't react the same way when exposed to electromagnetism and time and space travel etc.. So, perhaps he is the key. Maybe he will end up saving the island and having the ultimate showdown with Smokey.

Off The Island:

  • I am beginning to really enjoy these flash sideways lives. Interesting to me how they usually somehow mirror or echo what is going on on the island. For example Jin being captured, and Sun only being able to speak Korean.
  • I think it was to Jin's advantage that the 25 grand was confiscated. Bought him some time. Interesting that Sun & Jin aren't married, yet are still very much involved.
  • Really quick, did anyone else notice Sun looking into the mirror in the hotel room? And Jack looked in the mirror in his flash sideways? I'm thinking Sun is the candidate. Something about looking into mirrors, and Jacob's mirrors, that somehow connects them as candidates in my opinion.
  • How creepy is that Keamy guy? He is just sooooo evil.
  • Mikal enters the scene. Fun to see him again. Remember him from the Dharma? You might remember that he used to wear and eye patch. Again, very creepy.
  • Okay, now I would like to discuss a little conversation and quote that you probably missed that I'm pretty sure is huge. It's really confusing, and I'm not sure what it means, but it was a two second blurb, that you probably missed. If you've got it recorded, go back and listen. It's worth it. Trust me. So Keamy and Jin are in the fridge of the restaurant, tying him up, and, I could be mistaken (cause I had to rewind it about 4 times to be sure) but I think Keamy says to Jin "hold still okay, I'm going to strap you in here, just in case you figure out what's about to happen to your island. Can't have you freaking out." Um, What?!?!?!!?? Did he (Keamy) just mention the island in a flash sideways??!!! Crazy. I even made Hubs listen to the line again, and we both have decided that yes, he definitely mentions the island. I think this is the first time someone has mentioned the island in a flash sideways. I guess Ben's dad did in Ben's flash sideways when he talked about the dharma initiative, but he was talking about the island as it was in the past. Not like Keamy discussing it as it is now, or in the future as it could be. I mean, this whole quote is huge~!!! Wonder what it all means!
  • Creepy that Mikal ends up getting shot in the eye by Jin. Same eye as the one with the patch on the island. Really hope Sun somehow ends up being okay pregnant and all.

Okay, so those are my thoughts about Tuesday's episode. Have any more to add?


Aimee said...

Scott and I always love your recaps and it gets us chatting in more depth about the episode. Thanks for doing them.

Love the parallels in the on island/flash sideways too.

Sophia said...

Finally a recap! I want you to know that without your recaps I am completely lost, ha ha! Seriously though, clever insights!