Monday, April 5, 2010


I have a confession to make.

I used disposable diapers for my first two children.

Something about this statement makes me feel a little guilty. I guess it's mostly because I feel a little bit terrible about the amount of waste I've literally contributed to the local landfill. And all because I don't want to take the time to rinse out a poopy diaper.

So, much to Hubs' dismay, I have been muling over the idea of cloth diapering for this third time around. I know most of you might think that's just plain disgusting and quite archaic, but I've heard that the cloth diapering arena has really made great strides and improvements in the last five years. I know it's much cheaper than using disposables (around $300-$1000 total versus $1700-2000 for disposables), much greener (better for the planet), and much cleaner as well (less diaper rash, and blowouts). So, even though it sounds like a wonderful idea, honestly I'm a little concerned about cleaning all those diapers. Listen I hate poop as much as the next person, and the idea that I would have to clean it up is enough to almost make me think twice about this whole endeavor. But then I found out that they have all sorts of different options out there now for cloth diapering. 2 in 1's where you actually have a disposable/flushable insert, all in ones - which are convenient, one-size diapers that fit infancy through toddlerhood, and many others just to name a few. All this information can be confusing and difficult to navigate. Plus since it's not really all that popular (yet), there aren't a whole lot of options in the stores where you can go and see them for yourself. So when I heard about about from my friend Aimee, I went there, educated myself, and then quickly booked a little home consult for myself which then quickly turned into a home consult for me and my twenty closest friends.

Uncommon Bottom is a local company started by a mom who wanted to cloth diaper. Now she does home consults, and sells the different cloth diapers on her website. I am having Laina (the owner) come and give a little information night where she will go through all the different options of cloth diapering, and narrow down with me a brand, and type that we think will be best for us and our situation. Plus she will go through all of the most common misconceptions, and frequently asked questions. I'm hoping it will help alleviate some of my fears about the whole thing, since I really would love to save some money, and help the planet at the same time. Now I want to give a little disclaimer here. Just because I'm having this cloth diaper get-together doesn't mean I'm 100% sold on the idea. Honestly, I might decide after being educated on the whole process that it isn't just for me. And that's totally okay. I just feel like I can't make a really good decision without finding out all the facts and seeing them up close for myself.

So, if you are prego, or planning on being sometime soon, or have a baby in diapers, or are just interested in learning more about cloth diapering, leave me a comment with your e-mail and I will send you an invite to my cloth diapering information night. Or, you can e-mail me directly at naptimenostalgia{at}hotmail{dot}com. I'd love to see you there.

Also, I totally understand if you think I'm nuts and you love disposables diapers. I used to too.


Jo said...

I sort of want to come just because I am fascinated with how these things actually work without grossing the mom out. :) You have my email, at least I think you do as we've corresponded before, so definitely send me an invite. If anything, we can meet in person ;)

Aimee said...

So glad you are using Laina. She is pretty much darling and easy to crush on. I'm sure she will educate in the most non-judgmental way possible. I am going to meet with her in May.

We're still not totally sold yet either - I am more in than Scott and we have all the same concerns about the poop issue too. I saw my friend change a diaper and she made it look so stinkin' easy so it has been in the back of my mind ever since.

I think the bum genius cloth diaper colors are adorable though. Hoping we can make this happen in our house come Sept. If you do it - then you know I will have a gazillion questions and you can be my expert cloth diaper mom resource!

Have fun at the diaper party!