Friday, September 25, 2009


Welcome to my random ramblings for this very fine Friday.

  • I honestly can't believe that I still watch Survivor. It's like a very strong drug. I try to stay away, cause really I know it does me no good, but then I see one little commercial and BAM!! it's like I can't NOT watch. Anyhoo. The first ep I hated Russell. I mean, what kind of millionaire applies for Survivor? Apparently the bored kind. I guess his main goal going in was to show everyone just how easy it is to win, and manipulate the players. And I hated him for messing with my show that I love. Then, BAM! Episode two the guy goes looking for a hidden immunity idol (cause they've had one pretty much every season for the last 10 seasons) and whadayaknow? The guy finds it!!! Without any clues. Suddenly I'm finding myself actually rooting for Russell. What the? Well, hopefully one of the other players will catch on to him soon, cause as much fun as I'm having watching him manipulate the whole entire game, I kinda liked Survivor just the way it was.

  • Lady Gaga. People can hate, and say she is crazy, but that girl in my humble opinion is an amazingly creative entertainer. And for the record, anyone who says she is a hermaphrodite needs to recognize. I hate that just because we have a female who is a successful singer and talented entertainer, she must be half man? Give. Me. A. Break.

  • Speaking of people who are half man. That woman (yes. she. is.) who won that world track race? Well, all I can say is people are just sad. So she has internal testes. It's not her fault. I just feel bad that she has learned about all of this through public scrutiny. My heart aches for her. And why is it that every time someone mentions a hermaphrodite they mention Jamie Lee Curtis. Is this true? I am wondering.

  • Every time someone tells me Thing 2 looks like Shiloh Pitt it makes me laugh. Does that mean I look like Angelina? I. Wish.

  • I seriously LOVE Zumba. If not for the workout, then definitely for the laughs.

  • Last week on my vacation I had a blast. You know this already. One thing you probably do not know, is that amongst these 10 girls I am the ONLY democrat. And well, honestly every time there was a political comment/Obama health care hateraid I shut my trap. Seriously. I swear. Just let it roll, cause really if I argued everyone of their silly stances I would have been arguing the entire time. And that my friends, isn't my idea of a vacation. But I finally broke my silence on the way back to the airport to head home. And I just about lost it. Excuse me while I step on my soapbox for a moment. Okay, where to even begin. See, this is my problem, I have so much I want to say, and defend, but it just gets all so overwhelming. I'm just saying it would have been nice to have had one other lefty out there with me. We finally just had to agree to disagree. Where I believe we as fellow human beings and citizens have a responsibility to one another, they don't. Which really isn't something we will every agree upon. Which is all fine and dandy. I do however have just one teeny tiny thing to say. All these conservative friends of mine (that I love dearly by the way) who don't feel they have any responsibility for each other (especially fiscally) better watch out when their church decides to implement the dreaded law of consecration. They thought giving away 25% was bad. Try giving away 100%. moving right along. . .

  • Project runway!! Is anyone else loving this season? I'm not sure if it is because of the long absence since last season or, because of all the great talent. I guess I'll be honest, I am sorta missing Michael Kors and Nina Garcia and all their snarky comments, but really I would love me some project runway no matter what banana they've got judging. But really now, am I the only one who thought the ice queen dress was blah? Can't believe he won.

  • Why is it that my kids are into "painting" my car lately? With water of course. Which makes for lovely water brush marks at child height all along my black car. Kids rule.

  • Is it bad that I'm considering going inactive for a while after I get released from my calling? I'm just saying.

  • I am loving having the kids in school. And watching Thing 1 read and write is absolutely fulfilling as a parent. His teacher told me he has one of the best penmanship in the class. If this is true, I am worried.

  • I am considering getting extensions. Just for fun, for my birthday. Not sure I will leave them in for long, but you know how I love change. i realize this is a very silly thing to do. Consider it my midlife crisis. But I'm thinking it might just be the thing to do since I'm turning thirty in not so many weeks. This. Freaks. Me. Out.

  • Our mail used to arrive around 12:30 or 1p.m. every day. Now, for some strange reason it doesn't get here until 6 p.m. I can't tell you how much this irks me.

  • I realize that this blog has sorta turned into a coupon blog. And I hate that. But I've started doing this whole coupon thing for my grocery shopping. And I have to tell you, it rocks. I really am saving money. And don't tell hubs, but it's kinda fun to see.

  • as happy as I am the EMC library is getting a much-needed overhaul, it is turning out to be very inconvenient. All the construction in this city is about enough to drive me absolutely batty.

  • Glee. I. heart. very. much. this. show. Thanks to Kris, I have been enjoying this show for the past few weeks now, and I think it just might be total and complete genius. Getting pregnant through a hot tub? Hilarious.

  • Is it possible to be addicted to solitaire? I find it the perfect thing to do while waiting in endless carpool lines. Sure I could be reading the bible or something, but nah, it is only the carpool line after all.

  • i love these little glimpses of fall. The slightly brisk weather, the sun setting earlier, sweatshirts, jeans, college football, the leaves on the mountain changing. Oh yes. Hello autumn, i think i love you.

  • Don't you just hate posts without pictures? Happy Friday Everyone!


Brittany said...

I'll be your democrat friend Amy! I totally hear ya. I am usually the lonely democrat voice in a group as well and even amongst some of my nurse friends, which I think is so weird! Anyway, I just love your blog- fun to see you and your cute fam and friends.

Aimee said...

You know you got a liberal friend in Seattle. :) It is good so many people have different opinions. It keeps life interesting, no?

I am actually in Utah right now for a wedding and can't handle the construction either. Hello downtown Holladay? Where did you go? All I see it orange.

Going inactive post release? We'll have to talk off line...

Jo said...

Umm, can I hear about Aimee's thoughts on the inactive post? ;) And I also heart Glee, love your ramblings and definitely need to see you one day. :)

Holly and Dave said...

i've been dvr-ing project runway and saving it to watch it all at once (why? im not sure..) so now i'm even more excited. umm... are you getting released from your calling soon? or just looking forward to the day? i'm also enjoying the fall, as long as it is FALL-not this summer straight to winter stuff going on. and doesn't it just feel good to get on your soapbox once in a while and let it all out? i think so.