Thursday, September 17, 2009


Are you pregnant?
Are you impatient?
Then, I've got just the thing for you. There is a new product on the market claiming to tell you the gender of your unborn baby with an accuracy of 90% at 6 weeks!!!
i know right, that is absolutely insane!!
and just for fun, this urine predictor test turns your urine pink for a girl, and blue for a boy. Awwwwww. Precious. Pink urine.
Remember the good old days when people had to wait until the baby was born? {sigh}. Then it was 20 weeks with ultrasound. Then it was fetal photos at 14. And now it's six. Six weeks? Absolutely incredible.
You can pick up the urine gender predictor test at a Wallgreens near you.


Cory and Holly said...

The sad thing is I actually wasted my time & money on this!! It so does NOT work! The bottle has boy on one side, and girl on the other, and whichever side you look at, makes your pee that color!! So really, whatever your hoping for, you look at that side, and "Wallah!" you get what you want!! Dumb~!

Aimee said...

My sis is going to love this one!

But I guess after Holly's comment I won't spend the money. Maybe it should be at a gag gift store or something. How can they really charge that price? Strange.

Darin and Marianne said...

Are you hinting towards something????