Wednesday, September 9, 2009


So, you probably didn't know this about me, but generally I wouldn't describe myself as lucky. For example, back when I was a kid and they actually put toys in cereal boxes (remember that?) it NEVER fell into my bowl. Ever. Course that coulda been cause one of my grubby brothers dug it out before I could, but that's besides the point.) And I've never really won anything. Ever. Not even a measly online blog giveaway. Honestly. Do you feel sad for me? Well, you should.

But my luck concerning celebrity sightings is even unluckier. I mean, hasn't everyone met at least one celeb? Maybe while you were at the airport, or in an elevator or something? Right. Sure you have. Cause you are lucky. And I'm not. But honestly, for the life of me, I can't think of a single solitary celebrity I've ever met. I mean, I've admired them from afar. Concerts, and that kind of thing. Oh and I guess one time at Porcupine I sat a table away form Apollo Anton Ono. (And now I'm wondering if that even counts. He's a celeb right?) At least I think it was him. Or his look-a-like. I didn't ID him. Oh and the night of senior prom I could have sworn that I sat a table away from that guy who used to do those I Can't Believe It's Not Butter advertisements. What's his name? Fabio or something. But again. I guess it's entirely possible that it coulda just been a guy with long blond hair.

But you get the point. My celebrity interaction is pathetic.

And my lack of celebrity luck goes even further than never meeting one. Actually I've missed meeting celebs multiple times. For example one night while I was vacationing in Hawaii with my friend Jill, I wasn't feeling so well, so I decided to stay back at the hotel rather than go out. And yep, you guessed it. They ran into a celeb while out and about. Apparently it was the older brother on The Wonder Years. Wayne. Well, I coulda kicked myself. I mean, Wayne!! Man. I mean, I've never even met a local newscaster or weather guy. And you think that living here I'd have run into like Ed Smart or Dooce or something. But no such luck. Even local celebs are beyond me.

So, knowing all this you can imagine my thrill, wait, no my complete and total elation at what I found in my inbox at 7:43 a.m.

A e-mail from Barry Louis Polisar!!!!! Really! I am not lying. Although given the information I just supplied you with, it might seem totally plausible that I would be. But I'm not. I mean, sure I guess I didn't actually meet him, but he, or maybe it was his assistant, or like his assistants assistant, but someone that has surely met Barry Louis Polisar e-mailed me this morning to thank me for my post. Seriously. I mean, What?!!! Who does that? Apparently very thoughtful, talented musicians. Or their very thoughtful and prompt assistants.

And I was glowing. I mean, am glowing. And then I got all nervous and re-read my silly post again. What did I say? Or didn't I say? And instantly I was embarrassed that I didn't give photo credit. I always forget that. But when do you really think the person you are writing about will actually read it? It's totally amazeballs people.

And just because I know one of my lame brothers is going to comment that I'm so sad and pathetic for making up this post, I am going to copy and paste the entire e-mail here. As proof of my truth.

Hi Amy,
There is no anonymity on the web! Thanks for those kind words.
I thought you (and your readers) might like to sample my songs and wanted you to know that I have them all on my site for free:
Each CD you click on--including the new Tribute Album that is coming out soon--will give you samples, so you can waste hours of time listening.....
Happy listening!
Barry Louis Polisar
Author Visits, Books & Music for kids and smart adults
Not just Barry's song from the JUNO film
I mean, you see that right? It seems legit enough. I mean sure he didn't actually say my name, but he typed it. And surely that counts for something. I mean really.
So, because I am actually totally impressed with this guy, and his thoughtfulness I decided to give him one more shout out.
His name is Barry. He writes incredibly witty and funny children's music. And you can find all his albums right here.
And because I think it's cool he, or his assistant's assistant, took the time out of his day to shoot a quick e-mail of thanks, I'm going to let you know how cool it might be to give Barry merchandise to all your loved ones this Holiday Season. (Yeah, we're on a first name basis) I mean, how great would it be to give a totally hilarious children's album to all your friends and family with kids. Or a thoughtful children's book? Sounds better than a stuffy old sweater-set right?
Seriously. Do yourself a favor. Check him out. And Barry, if you're reading this. Thanks for making my day. It's nice to see there are people out there who can appreciate a good plug. Oh, and good luck with the new album!


Anonymous said...

Glad to have made your day. You made mine!

Google Alerts is my only assistant, so tell your brothers I said you can call me your friend anytime !

Barry Louis Polisar

Aimee said...

Oh my! What a fun story.

See what kind of wonderful things happen when you blog?! How could you have been gone so long.

I'll support Barry just because he took the time to write that email and then comment on this blog. What a cool guy.

Kristin said...

Not only a personal email but a personal comment? Who is this guy! I'm all over supporting the Barester. Can I call him that? Yea, I think any guy who chills with the little people can jive with being called the Barester. Nice work Ames.

Sabrena Suite-Mangum said...

Super Cool! I am going to get more of his stuff because I heart Juno too...and I LOVE THAT HER WROTE YOU AND LEFT A COMMENT!!!

And I say we compare pics because I went as Juno last year too... which worked out perfectly since I was about 5 months preggers (and Danny made an excellent Bleaker).