Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Have you seen this new magazine? Well, let me tell you, it ROCKS!!!
Knowonder is an absolutely amazing parent & children magazine. It's a new publication debuting this month. It is a 132 page magazine filled with stories, art and articles. Knowonder promotes early literacy by putting a story you can read aloud to your children for every single day of the month in each issue. We all know that reading to your children is the very best way to promote and maintain early reading. And now you have something new and different to read every single day! Great for story time or bedtime. Then they have an area devoted to art. Children's artwork from around the country. The last section of the magazine is devoted to articles about parent-centred issues, craft ideas and great tips. But my favorite thing about this magazine, apart from it being FREE, is that they encourage parents to submit stories and pictures of their children's artwork. Always wanted to see your story in print? Send it on in!
You can pick up Knowonder at your local library, or any of these locations absolutely FREE!!! That's right friends, FREE! Just one more way this blogger is trying to look out for you in this crazy economy. Or, you can also register at their site HERE and subscribe to a free digital subscription sent to your inbox each month. You also can have them send you a subscription to your home if you are willing to pay for shipping ($24 a year), but since I'm always at the library, I figure I'll just pick mine up for free. Yay! FREE!!!
So, if ya get a sec, check it out. I promise it won't disappoint!


Max Sartin said...

So, how much does a subscription cost?

Phillip said...

subscriptions only cost $2.00/month (the price of the postage)

Jane Cleere Johnson said...

knowonder! is back everyone! Spread the word!