Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Hey Bloggers. I told you I was back. And this little gem is a goodie.

So, as I said in my last post, I LOVE blogging. Really. Pretty much everything about it. Reading about various (from good friends to pure stranger-cyber-stalking) people's lives. I love hearing about their thoughts, their ideas. What they like, what they dislike. What makes them tick. It's simply just fascinating to me. Perhaps this is why I find that I enjoy almost every single reality show I've ever watched. Even the ridiculous ones. (holla to Tori & Dean) ;)

Well, I've got this friend. And she used to have this blog. That I loved. I mean, L.O.V.E.D. reading. Every time my trusty google reader would tell me she had updated I found myself eagerly looking forward to her new and insightful posts. I enjoyed partaking in her journey. Commenting on her struggles, her passions, her interests. Then this friend embarked on what might arguably be the most important life change ever. Motherhood. No simple task, right? And did I mention that this friend, not only is a fabulous, fabulous mother, but also a licensed clinical social worker? Well, she is. And if you need a good therapist, call her cause she inconjunction with starting her family, also just started a fabulous new business called The Healing Group. But that's not what I'm writing about today. No, today I'm telling you all that my good friend Kris, after taking a little break and navigating that fine line between personal and professional, is BACK IN THE GAME. The blogging game that is. And well, I couldn't be more thrilled. When she told me this news, I'm pretty sure I didn't stop smiling for a good full day. Absolutely fantastic. So, if you are in the market for a new blog to read that is authored by an amazing mother, therapist and wife with a unique point of view, then you are in for a treat. Add her to your google reader, and check her out here!

You. Are. Welcome.