Wednesday, September 9, 2009


photo credit via flickr: Sierra Polisar

Did you know that our kids go to bed at 7 p.m.? Yeah, they really, really do. This is not a joke. It is the honest truth. It's also the best thing I ever did since having kids. One day Thing 1 stopped napping. It sucked. And I cried. Then, because Thing 2 could hear her brother supposidly have all sorts of fun without her, she decided to stop napping as well. Only the thing was, er rather is, my kids get up at 7 a.m. no matter what. If we put them to bed at 9, up at 7. Put them to bed at 11, up at 7. Put them to bed at 6, up at 7. And well, the thing is, they are just nicer to be around when they get more sleep. And putting our kids to bed at six just seems wierd, so we put them to bed at 7. And it is my most favorite thing. I get to hang out with my hubby all night, you know talking about things other than boogers and spy weapons. It's nice. And then I also get happy children in the morning. It's just awesome.

Anyhow, this is not what this post is about. But I guess it is sorta. Well, since we have lots of free open evenings, one night we decided to mix things up a bit and rent a RedBox. Thrilling, right? Well, it's only a buck, and well, it's a buck. So, I reserve the movie online and of course send Hubs out to get it, only he comes back with cookie dough icecream and no movie. Ugg. At least he knows the icecream would help. So, what to do? We decided to pop in JUNO. Which we own. And if you haven't yet seen this movie, I just don't know what to say to you. I mean, honestly? Are you for real. Cause you really need to see it homeskillet. Just trust me. So many great lines. Everytime I see it I love it even more. And since I dressed up as Juno McGuff for Halloween last year, I feel a sort of kinship with her. So, it's simply just awesome. And as we were watching the movie, I had completely forgotten how much I LOVE the soundtrack. And in particular the song in the opening credits. In case you've forgotten, I'll refresh your memory.

All I Want Is You - Barry Louis Polisar

And well, it's great isn't it. So, I got to looking and oh, that man up there? That's the guy that wrote that little ditty you just enjoyed. His name is Barry Louis Polisar. And apparently he is a really talented writer of childrens songs and books. And well, thats just awesome. Cause kids rock. And people who write for them rock even more. And so then I went to itunes. And downloaded a bunch of his albums. And my kids L.O.V.E. them. How could they not, with songs like:

Don't Put Your Finger Up Your Nose

My Brother Threw Up On My Stuff

I've Got A Teacher, She's So Mean

Underwear (personal fav)

We listen to them, and giggle together. And are happy. I love his catchy tunes, silly lyrics, and general make-you-smile-music. For Example:

Donuts - Barry Louis Polisar

Pure Brilliance right? Heck, I love a good banjo, harmonica, and guitar set to funny words. Who doesn't.

So, go ahead. Check him out if ya'd like. I promise you won't be sad you did.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Definitely going to have to check him out, in fact I need to check out the Juno soundtrack. Do you have it? Thank for the plug're simply swell :) Oh and I dig the new header.