Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Okay, well. I guess I owe you all an apology. I've been pretty crappy about updating this ole blog of mine as of late. And for that I apologize. It's just that I've been incredibly busy. Which isn't a bad thing I suppose. Just means I've been out living life, without a moment of spare time to blog about it.

And well, when I saw this picture of this swing, it summed up so perfectly in my mind what I have been feeling about my lack of writing/blogging. It's like all summer long I was outside playing. Enjoying life. Doing the monkey bars. Riding down the slide, climbing up the ladders, riding down the fire pole. And the swing was there. Always in the background. And the swing is fun, but it's also work. Fun work, but work nonetheless. Sometimes it was if that swing this summer was just begging to be swung, and other times, I was perfectly content to be standing on still ground. Sometimes I longed for that swing, but couldn't find a spare second, and other times it was as though I was glad to be playing something else. And you see, I love swinging. It's exhilarating. And fun. And you get the most amazing sense of freedom from swinging. But I was just too enamoured with the other things on the playground this summer. Good things. Fun things. But don't worry friends. Cause I'm here. And more ready than ever to get back on that swing.

Okay, sorry about the cheesy analogy. I just re-read that and it's pretty lame, but does describe pretty accurately the mixed feelings I've had about blogging lately. So, probably against my better judgement I'm going to go ahead and leave that swing bit up. Sorry.

So, anyhoo, I've got a long list of blogging topics I've been throwing around in my head, waiting until just the right time to share them. And with both kids in school each day now(Hallelujah!!) that means more time to do what I love. Write. Think. Blog. And read and comment on your blogs too of course. Naysayers say what you will. Blogging is fun, and frankly I've missed it. Funny how it's become almost a break for me. Escape through blogging. Hmmmm.

Anyhow. I'm back. Just wanted to let you know. Stay tuned. Fun is about to ensue.


bingham 5 said...

It's about time you came back! I need to read your refreshing and sarcastic thoughts!

Kristin said...

Here Here to Cottage Cheese Thighs...looks like blogging school is back in session for the both of us! See we DO deserve back to school, I mean bloggig outfits.

Aimee said...

You were missed. I am so happy my favorite reads decided to join the ranks again. I was worried I got dumped by my team :)

Welcome back, ladies!

Sophia said...

Hi Amy,
its Sophia I found your blog through Jennys and I love to read it so keep up the fun! I will be reading!