Friday, July 11, 2008


Okay, so don't even think for a minute just because DeAnna, like a fool, choose Jesse, means that I would be boycotting reality TV. As much as I want to, because of that retarded decision ( I mean really, seriously, Jesse?), I just can't. Why? Only because two of my very favorite reality shows ever are coming back to the small screen this next week. And actually, as luck would have it, on the same night, at exactly the same time. I know right?! It's like all my reality TV planets aligned and bam! Reality show heaven. And normally this would be a problem of grand proportions, but lucky for me, I have a tivo. And love it. And it loves me.

So, set your tivos people, for Wednesday July 16th. First off, on Bravo, Project Runway will be back for it's 5th season, and I'm really looking forward to it, even despite all the broohaha surrounding Nina, and her job fiasco. Plain and Simple this is the best competition reality show (next to Survivor) out there. There is nothing else like it on TV. The ability for the designers to create such fierce-ness in such a short amount of time is unbelievable really. And plus, I've been going through Michael Kors-snarky-comment-withdrawal, and of course yay for Heidi and her long luscious legs, and Tim and his Tim-ness.

work that dress girl!

And the second show? Yaga-yaga-yaga-yaherooooo! That's right, it's who's house? Run's House! If you are any sort of loyal reader, then you will of course know of my love for Run & his crew. I am so excited for this season. And yes, I still watch MTV. And yes, I know I'm almost 29. And no, I don't need your cyber guilt trip. I already told you people I'm trying to make up for all the years I wasn't allowed to watch it. Plus, rev & his fam is kinda like watching 7th Heaven right? Only Rev is a Reverend, and the guy on seventh heaven was white.

Okay, so I don't know what else I can do. Really, what would you people do without me? Pretty much miss all the sweet reality shows. And then what? You would do something productive with your time? I don't want to even imagine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

didn't project runway just end? i hate this time of year - isn't it enough that i have to watch that hair reality show, but this too?