Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Estelle Getty star of one of the greatest cable shows ever, passed away today at age 84. She was a great comedic actress. I used to watch this show now and again when I was a kid, but really grew fond of the ladies, when I was prego, and the size of a small tanker, and therefore couldn't sleep well, so I would turn on Lifetime late at night and watch the Golden Girls. Didn't really appreiciate the comedy of this show until I was an adult. Thanks for all the laughs Sophia. RIP.


Kristina P. said...

I just saw this on TMZ! I haven't watched the show in years, but I always liked spunky Sophia, rest in peace.

Sabrena Suite-Mangum said...

Hey you! Thanks for the comments... btw, my sister in law TOTALLY LOVES the Golden Girls (admittedly, I don't really "get" it.) ;) But there's obviously something there!

As far as the Doc... yeah, it was TOTALLY Dr. Wilde... Danny adores him. And I think he's totally smart and in the know and came sooo highly recommended; but I really think I'm going to try the midwife/hypno-birthing route. We'll see what happens, eh?

Anyway, you look like a movie star in your picture... please give your family my best.
