Monday, July 14, 2008


So, yesterday as Hubs was making fun of my breakfast choice, he assured me that I was the only one left on the planet who still ate these.

Of course, I explained to him how business works, that whole supply and demand thing. You know, cause they still sell it at the store, so someone else must enjoy the Grape Nuts as well.

Nope, he said. He insured me that I was the last one one the planet that ate these willingly. And even if I wasn't the only one who ate them, surely I was the only one who ate them and enjoyed it.

I don't know. Maybe it's because I grew up in a house where sugar cereals were banned, but I just prefer a substantial bowl of grape nuts to a pilthy bowl of cocoa puffs. I don't know, call me crazy. But Grape Nuts? They are a little slice of nutty heaven in my not-so-humble opinion.

But now his annoying little comment is really bugging me. So, I must ask. Am I really the only one who enjoys a nice bowl of Grape Nuts? Please say it ain't so.


Aimee said...

I think the only time I have eaten grape nuts was when I was forced as a child. We are a big cereal family (sugar and healthy) but grape nuts is not part of it.

I think my aunt eats them though if that makes you feel better.

Jill said...

Definitely one of my top 3. That's why we're such great friends. Eddy feels the same way though, so I have the box to myself. Grape nuts in yogurt, yum! Never tried them hot though, because I love the crunch!

Jo said...

I actually grew up eating Grape Nuts with honey on them. My roommates always made fun of me in college for eating them as they thought they were too hard (I think that's the best time to eat them, when they are crunchy as I don't like them soggy). It's funny how now I can no longer eat them I actually crave a bowl about every month.

Kristina P. said...

Amy, thanks for coming out of the lurking closet! It makes me feel special.

Oh, and Grape Nuts are of the devil.

Anonymous said...

Thank you to all of you who validated the fact that grape nuts are better used as pavement than as a food source. I'm not sure who would pick grape nuts over cinnamon toast crunch or golden grahams, but Amy (and Jill) - i love you anyway. On the bright side, you won't have to share either!

naptime nostalgia said...

I agree with Jo and Jill, grape nuts are only good crunchy, and I feel bad for the rest of you Grape Nut haters. Cause they are de-lish.

Suzanne said...

I must say, I too enjoy a good bowl of Grape Nuts every once in a while. I used to eat them all of the time...and a lady that I worked with always told me that she was amazed that I got to work on time with that as my breakfast choice. True, they may take longer to eat, but that just means you get to enjoy them longer, and it usually stays with you longer as well. I haven't eaten them for a while, but reading this post has made me have something of a craving for them...I may just need to buy myself a box today! And I'm pretty sure that I won't need to share it with the rest of the fam. Lucky me!

Mary said...

Hey Amy! This is Mary (Chipman) Lehnhof and I went to good ol' Skyline. You may not even know/remember me, but I just wanted to let you know that I like to check out your blog every once in a while! (I found it from Suzanne's.) You seriously crack me up!!! Your posts are so fun to read and I love how "real life" they are. Keep up the fun blog!

PS I LOVE Grape Nuts too - sorry, it's looks like you'll have to keep sharing them with a few of us in the world! (Have you ever tried it with a small dollop of apricot or rasperry jam in it - yum!)

Jessie said...

I have had this exact same conversation with MY husband!! He was dumbstruck the first time I ever put grape nuts in our grocery cart. But thanks to Grape Nuts Trail Mix Crunch, he's been converted. To the brand, at least.

PS - Found your blog through Kristina's.