Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Okay, so as I was perusing the Bravo blog to check in on all the new contestants for tonight's premiere (I know I am totally obsessed. Do they have reality TV rehab? If so, I need some. bad.). And guess what? Only the most amazing thing ever, really. There is a contestant on Project Runway this season from Salt Lake! Shout Out!! Holla!!! Zion in da hizzouse!!!
Bloggers, I'd like you to meet Kieth. He is 26, and from the land of Zion, although really, if he is a designer, and male, chances are, he's probably not into the whole Zion thang, if you get my drift. Although there have been a few, and let me really stress few, straight males on the show sprinkled amongst the past seasons. So really, you never know.
Why is it that when I hear someone is from SLC and on a reality show, it's like I feel an instant bond? Connection, like you know, maybe we've eaten at the same Training Table or something? Does anyone know Kieth? Or know a guy in your ward, who's sister lives by his uncle or something? Cause really, I'd love to get some dirt on him, since this is the only thing I know about him. This little blurb off the Bravo website.
"Get noticed or go home" is Keith's signature saying and he lives and designs by that mantra. He admits to being a self-taught designer with a background in marketing and advertising. While always having a hidden passion for women's clothing, Keith didn't pursue his dream until asked if he was interested in working on a fashion show while producing artwork for clothing. He bought his own sewing machine two weeks before that show and has been designing ever since. He hopes to be original and marketable when it comes to the runway. "
Hmmmmm. Just hope this guy doesn't suck it up in his first competition, and sew sequins all over some leopard print fabric and turn it into a "noticeable" cocktail dress. Hey, I'm just sayin'. There is a fine line between fierce, ferosh, and not-so-ferosh.
Go Kieth!


Kristina P. said...

The only thing that could make the picture of him cooler, is if he were wearing flip flops with socks.

And I have my DVR all ready to go. Hopefully, Keith will be IN!

Kyle, Adrienne and Hayden said...


We love that you blog stalked us and we definitely want to blog stalk you, especially if we can get some dirt on Dave!!

I'm seriously going to have to watch now that Keith's on the show!

naptime nostalgia said...

Okay, so I have to say I wasn't all that impressed with Kieth and his weak-ass table cloth dress. Let's hope he does something memorable next week.

Kristina P. said...

Amy, I liked the dress itself, but it wasn't innovative and he definitely took the easy way out.

This season is going to be interesting. There are a lot of very edgy designers. Don't have a favorite yet!