Wednesday, July 2, 2008


1. Good friends that live close by. I see now, that playgroups are as important for mommies as kids.

2. Air Conditioning. Such a simple thing, yet so incredibly glorious.

3. Nap time. I never realized just how soothing silence can be.

4. The sun. I find I need light daily just as much as air and water.

5. Watermelon in the summer. Sweet, juicy, and oh-so-de-lish.

O Lord, that lends me life, lend me a heart replete with thankfulness. --William Shakespeare

1 comment:

Heidi said...

It was so fun to see you at the reunion the other day. I miss all of you girls, and i seriously wanna pang out sometime! I got kicked out of your blog though, that's cool. I wanna be invited again...he he he! Talk to you soon.