Thursday, February 25, 2010


  • Again, sorry for the late post. I had a late night again on Tuesday and didn't get to it until last night, and then was too lazy to post my thoughts. But yeah, here goes nothing.
  • First off, we got a Hurley ep!!!! Dude!!! Yay! Well, some hurley, mostly Jack. But that's okay, cause any Hurley is good, and only one small scene with Kate equals a very good episode.
  • Okay, so is it just me or is it classic Lost that they don't even mention Sawyer, after a cliffhanger like last episode? I mean, really. No mention of him at all or the fact that he was about to do some serious evil work? Hopefully they will get back to him soon.
  • Okay, if this good vs. evil stuff could get any more obvious. It's very Star Wars, and God & Satan of them. Good seems to be equaling all the chosen or "candidates" --Hurley, Jack, Jin & of course Jacob and I'm assuming Richard. Bad=smoke monster, sayid, Claire (we'll get to that whole fiasco in a minute) and possibly others. Kate and Sun we're not really sure about. My only hold up, is that it's sooooooo obvious the info they are feeding us, that I'm sort of assuming some sort of crazy switcheroo. Good really is bad. Bad really is not-so-bad. etc.
  • Claire. Okay, now I get that they want us to draw a clear parallel to Rosseau what with the crazy hair and traps and stuff, but it's a little too much in my opinion. I like a little more subtlety and mystery personally, but whatever. Plus it's a bit too much of a character change from her previous personality. Not quite believeable or something. Plus, I'm not convinced she is cookoo, but then again I didn't think Rosseau was either. It should be interesting to see how this "illness" Sayid and Claire have all pans out. But that baby in the carriage was slightly bizzare. And killing a guy with a axe, how very axe murderer of you claire.
  • Let's discuss Jack for a moment. Loved the flash sideways. I immediately was getting a Jack & Kate vibe with David, but then I remembered that in the flash sideways Jack doesn't know Kate. He recognizes her at the airport but really doesn't know her. So I guess that's out. Plus, would Kate really have a bunny hide-a-key? Yeah, I didn't think so. But again, with the father son relationship popping up again. And then the Asain guy(apparently his name is Dogen) pops up in the sideways flash with his son and tells Jack David has a gift. Creepy. However not remembering and it seems for the first time noticing your appendix scar? Um, lame.
  • Let's discuss the lighthouse scene. Does anyone else think Jack needs anger management classes? What is it with this guy and him bashing stuff in? In all honesty, I thought the whole idea of the lighthouse was a little cheesy. I found it rather contrived and a bit much. Like Hurley said, How had they never stumbled upon this extra-large light tower before? Yeah, right. But the numbers were back again. And then we have Jack gazing out into the oean to find all the answers to life. If only it were that easy.
  • And finally, I saved the best for last. Best lines of the night of course come from Hurley. Loved that he was able to talk to Jacob even though he's dead. I like this special gift, even if it is a little Haley Joel Osment. (To Jacob) "I just lied to a Samurai" (To Jack) "Very old school man, you and me trekking throught the jungle to do something we don't really understand. Good times." Classic.
  • So yeah, those are my thoughts. If ya have any input or ideas to add please leave em in the comments. Thanks!


Aimee said...

Still bored. What happened to the intensity?

I did enjoy Hurley/Jack though. Better ep than the last 2 previous episodes. Still want more though.

They better come through.

I would think it was pretty creepy if I found out someone was watching me all those years of my life.

Sabrena Suite-Mangum said...

OK, so I don't watch Lost...

But I do have to say "#1 - thanks for the plug" a few posts back...

And #2. I had the oddest dream the other night about going to family dinner at your house. I will have fb or email you the details.

For starters, Mike was living in DP's room, and your one of your in-law's shook my hand like a fish (that's not even the weirdest part.) I wonder what I ate...

Lisa said...

I love your in depth analysis and anticipate it every week. I'm still just waiting for some answers here!

marcie b said...

I hate to say it, but I am with Aimee: totally bored. Brom and I have decided that Hurley is the only person that we care about their future. I don't know why this season is not captivating us, but I guess it is probably good that they are wrapping things up, before it gets painful. Geez, that was all doom and gloom of me. It is still one of the smartest shows on television. It is just time to call it good. Right?