Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Okey Dokey folks. It's time for round 3. The last and final on our little Michael Pollan journey. Hope you enjoyed it.
How Should I eat?
44. Pay more, eat less. -- quality over quantity. Food experience over more calories.
45. . . . Eat Less. --Calorie restriction has repeatedly been shown to slow aging in animals. Now who doesn't want that?
46. Stop eating BEFORE you are full. --somewhere between 67-80% full, stop. Don't ask yourself if you are full, but, is my hunger gone?
47. Eat when you are hungry not when you are bored. --Oh Michael, if only it were this easy. " if you are not hungry enough to eat an apple, then you're not hungry." Love that.
48. Consult your gut. --are your eyes bigger than your stomach?
49. Eat Slowly. --savor your food. Put down your fork between bites. It's good manners and good advice.
50. "The banquet is in the first bite." --No other bite will taste as good as the first. law of diminishing marginal utility. More bites doesn't mean more pleasure, but it does mean more calories.
51. Spend as much time enjoying the meal, as it took to prepare it.
52. Buy smaller plates and glasses. --the bigger the portion the more you will eat.
53. Serve a proper portion and don't go back for seconds.
54. "Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper." --You've heard this before. Also, "After lunch sleep a while, after dinner, walk a mile." Good advice.
55. Eat meals. --unless your snacks are real food (i.e. fruit, veggies or nuts) stick to meals.
56. Limit your snacks to unprocessed plant foods.
57. Don't get your fuel from the same place your car does. --gas stations now sell more inside on over processed food than from gas.
58. Do all your eating at a table. --Common sense. You eat more in the car or in front of the TV.
59. Try not to eat alone. --when we eat alone we eat more. Usually.
60. Treat treats as treats. --another idea. Follow the S rule. No snacks, no seconds, no sweets--except on days that begin with the letter S.
61. Leave something on your plate. --"Better go to waste, than to waist."
62. Plant a vegetable garden if you have the space, a window box if you don't. --grow your food. It's fun and healthy and good for you.
63. Cook. --you have all the control.
64. Break the rules once in a while. --I like this rule.
So there you have it. I went to the grocery store today and you shoulda seen my cart. Not a processed food in there. Go me. I took a few minutes this morning, perused a few cook books and made a menu plan for the week, and made a coordinating shopping list. My mother would be so proud. We had a delicious dinner tonight of organic BBQ salmon, green beans with honey- cashew sauce (DELISH), and roasted red potatoes. I was going to do a salad too, but that was just too much food. I've got some fun new recipes to try this week. Including curried vegetables and tofu, and vegetarian chili. It should be interesting. I'll let you know how it goes.


bingham 5 said...

I can't decide if this book makes me want to be anorexic or binge! Best of luck to you and your eating endeavors - I think I will go and eat something healthy, yeah right!

Melanie said...

This is great! Thanks! I got here from Sabrina's blog. I just started a healthy food blog if you are looking for some recipe's. I am glad there is other people trying to eat healthy. LOL!
