Wednesday, February 17, 2010


  1. Let's start with the fact that I HATE being sick. Especially when your prego, and can't take anything good to help. Last night's attempt at sleep was pathetic at best. That might factor into the weird/crazy thoughts for today's post. So sorry about that.
  2. Somehow we have inherited some random cat that lives nearby. It comes in our backyard and sits under the shade in the kids plaything. The kids do not like this. For some reason they are TERRIFIED of cats. Which I don't mind, cause I think cats are eery, and evil, and are always looking at you like they know so much and might use it against you. So, my kids spend most of their time at home, yelling at that darn cat and taking their harmonicas, whistles and any other loud item outside trying to shoo it away. The cat just sits there and stares at them all day. However I am sure I am winning points with our neighbors who probably love to listen to my children make loud noise outside all day.
  3. For a moment I'd like to discuss the total and complete insanity that the Bachelor has become. Okay, is it just me, or is Jake becoming even more idiotic than before? The lines that he says just make him look rehearsed and unrealistic. It's like every girl is "amazing" and "incredible" and why won't he shut up?! I am beginning to think as I watch him interact with Vienna, that he might really just be that dorky kid who never went on dates, or learned how to socially interact with women, especially on dates. And just for a moment, can we discuss the stupid pirate ship? Was that awkwardly uncomfortable for anyone else? It's like they were back in first grade. Which is exactly where there maturity levels must be. And then he just pushes her off the plank, while then following her into the water with just about the wussy-est dive I've ever seen. Sad. I mean, why do I even watch this crap? Then, the fake phone call from Ali. Oh so fake. I am sure she was contractually obligated to make that phone call. Let's talk about the enormous amount of editing that went into that call. First Jake is wearing one thing, then he's not. Then you see Ali in a hotel bathrobe (of a hotel in LA might I add). We are really supposed to think she is back in San Fran? Please. Who lives in a hotel with two 8x10 photos of Jake on her nightstand? Really? Where did she get those? That was a bit much. We aren't that stupid. Not to mention all of the splicing, and cutting and editing that went into making that fake phone call. Apparently Ali is up for the next bachelorette. At first I was wondering how she was going to get Facebook to give her time off for a whole other season, when they wouldn't even give her time of for Jake's season. Then I found out bachelorette's get paid six figures to do the difficult job of dating 25 guys and finding a husband. So, I guess Facebook will no longer be graced with ali's presence soon enough. And see, well, I like Ali, except for the fact that she liked/likes Jake. Says something about her don't you think? I will eagerly be awaiting the announcement as her as the new bachelorette though. I am hoping it will be after the "After The Rose" cause you know that little piece of television is going to be cra-ray-zee. Yay!
  4. Okay, on a somewhat lighter note, Thing 1 has been telling me twelve times a day, every day that for his sixth birthday (which is not until August people--can you imagine how many more times I have to hear about this?) he would like a pair of high tops. Um, what? Do they even make high tops anymore? And where on earth did he hear about them? Rather who on earth told him about high tops? If I knew, then I'd go strangle them. So today, Hubs asks him, why he wants high tops so bad, and he says this: "Well, I don't really like boots, and so if I get high tops, then I can just wear them in the snow and won't get my ankles wet." Classic. I mean really though, who even makes high tops anymore? I'm getting freaky flashbacks of my hightop L.A. gears I rocked all through elementary school. White, with pink and purple laces. saweet.
  5. So, I decided to go completely off sugar. For many reasons really, some of which I will share, others I probably still will share. So, even though I've been sugar free since Monday, I have decided to officially give the evil goodness up for Lent. So yes, that means all the way until Easter. At which point I might go gaga on you and eat twelve entire package of those whopper egg things. Yum. So far I have seen no benefits other than I eat more regular food, and I am more agitated. Couple this with the fact that I have adoozy of a cold, and you can understand why I've seen hubs awake for a total of 1 hour since yesterday at 5:30 when he came home from work. It's not really like I eat a lot of sugar, in fact it isn't really even my comfort food of choice, but I do tend to have a handful of something sugary in the evenings, and that has been hard to go without. Also, I've decided to cut out anything where sugar, or a sugar-like-item (think high fructose corn syrup, or aspartame) is in the first five ingredients. You would be shocked how many "healthy" foods have lots of sugar in them. Rice Krispies? Seems boring enough. Sugar is number two on the ingredient list. Even Fiber One has sugar as number five. But really breakfast isn't that hard cause I usually have this really delicious organic 8 grain hot cereal that has zero sugar in it. Usually I put some organic all-natural maple syrup in it, but I've switched to mashed up banana. And it's surprisingly just as sweet. Go me. Now, don't get me wrong, this isn't going to be any sort of easy. Trust me. But I am excited to do it, and see if I feel any different when it's all said and done. So don't hate me if there are a few ode-to-sugar posts here in the near future. Also, thanks to Sabrena, for the idea to give it up for Lent. You should really go visit her blog. She is fun. Also you will be cursed if you offer me anything with sugar in it for the next month and a half. cursed i tell you.
  6. I have thoroughly been enjoying the our warm (high 4os) weather as of late. Gets the kids out of the house (yelling at the cat) and me as well (when they are not yelling at the cat). I am looking forward to getting out on walks, and seeing the confused tulips and bulbs popping through the earth. Springtime can cure almost anything I'm sure. Hopefully it can help me with this silly sugar detox.
  7. Did I even blog about the fact that I am for sure having a boy? Yep, and a really wiggly one at that. Took the ultra-sound techs like 2 hours to get all the pictures they needed. Everything looks mostly good. I do have a weird placenta thing though. I guess I have an extra lobe of placenta which they are going to monitor with another ultrasound at 26 weeks to make sure that's what it is, and to be sure that the baby is still growing, and to be sure that the lobe isn't covering my c-section scar. If it is, I have no idea what they will do. Maybe I'll get to have two c-section scars? Lucky me. I don't even really know the technical term for this, which is probably a good thing, cause otherwise I'd be googling it, and finding out all the terrible things that can happen. I'm convinced in pregnancy ignorance is sorta bliss.
  8. Valentines day came and went. It was nice.
  9. I forgot to mention our book choice for next month is Carolyn Jessop's Escape. Now, I know this book is a bit older (2007), but it is absolutely fantastic. I love true stories, and her experience about her escape from the FLDS church is absolutely eye-opening. A must read. So that's the book. If you'd like to read along please do. You will not be disappointed.
  10. And last but certainly not least. LOST. I really hope you made it this far. If you did, it will be like your little treat. Sugar-less of course. Okay, so Lost. Where to even begin?
  • is it bugging anyone else that this is supposed to be the season of answers? Cause really? Am I the only one missing them? Next week's teaser announcer guy said "THE TIME FOR QUESTIONS IS OVER." Somehow I highly doubt that.
  • Even though this episode did little to further us, I was pleased that there was not even a smidgen of Kate in it, or the temple. I do have to focus on the positive sometimes people.
  • Okay, so Fake Locke/black smoke monster man apparently can not shape shift anymore. We get this info per Ilana. Which is weird cause her character has never really been developed so I'm not sure how much we can trust her. Also, is it just me or does the smoke monster seem to be about death, whereas Jakob is about life? (remember when he brought locke back to life after he fell out of the window)? But then what about the fact that Jakob has been recruiting candidates to the island, all the while removing their free will and changing up the future? Good, evil? Ahhh! Also, weird that Illana takes Jakob's ashes.
  • It was nice to see Richard back, although he did not have the elixir of life and save them all. No, in fact he seemed very scared of Fake Locke. And I loved the biblical reference of Fake Locke (evil) asking Richard to come with him, and he would give him information and knowledge. Very familiar LOST producers. Richard of course turns him down. He knows evil when he sees it (apparently through Locke's exterior). But why could he not see the little boy? And who was that little boy? And were his hands bleeding in the first shot? Like stigmata? Could it be young Jakob? And why was Fake Locke so unnerved when he saw him?
  • Then Flocke talks Sawyer/James into coming with him. Could it just be that perhaps Sawyer is going to pull the ultimate con-man on the smoke monster? Can you even con the smoke monster?
  • Then they go to the cave. With all the names of the chosen or "candidates". Hmmm. So Jakob has been trying to "save" the island, whereas the smoke monster is just trying to get off of it? And he tells Sawyer he was once a man? Hmmm. Love seeing the island from the view of the smoke monster! And then that little boy again tells him he can't kill Sawyer? Cause he is a candidate? Did anyone else notice not all of the Losties are candidates? Only the men it seems. Inneresting. And the numbers again. And Sheperds was 23. The famous Psalm 23 --the famous Lord is my shepard verse. With Flocke/smoke monster seeming so powerful it's interesting that he really doesn't have any power. He must get Ben Linus to kill Locke, etc. So really, he is kinda helpless. A whole lotta religious mumbo jumbo going on here.
  • On a side note. In the flash sideways it was fun to see Rose again (who seems to have made peace with her cancer), and Hurley (all confident and sure of himself - and also professing his good luck? ) And Ben Linus as a teacher? Crazy! Did anyone else notice though that Helen said that the wedding could just be her parents and Locke's dad? Does that mean in the flash sideways that his dad never swindled him? I wonder how he gets paralyzed then?
  • On an even sider note, did anyone watch the Olympics after Lost? Those men's skating outfits were hilarious. And they just kept getting crazier and crazier as the night went on. Oh the love of glitter. Also watched this lost live for the first time, and there were two pretty hilarious commercials. The sienna one and the old spice. Classic. I can see that commercials have definitely gotten better since I've gotten Tivo.
  • Interesting that all the goodie Losties are headed for the temple. The only safe place on the island. Ashes must mean a lot. At the temple they used ashes to diagnose Sayid. And remember the ashes around the cabin? There must be a large significance of Ilana grabbing jakob's ashes.
  • So yeah, those are my thoughts. I actually have a lot more, but this post is already turning into one of the longest ones ever, and I'm sure you have more important things to do than read my blog. So I will let you go. Anything you'd like to comment on including the craziness that is LOST would be very welcome.


bingham 5 said...

wow you have a lot going on in your head! Good luck on the sugar thing, it's killing me - especially with Easter candy coming out.

Jen said...

Have you ever tried calling the pregnancy risk hotline? Apparently there's a lot allowed in pregnancy that I never would have thought. Like dayquil and nyquil. I don't know what you take, but that's enough for me most of the time. 800-822-BABY(2229)

From various people who have given up sugar completely, I hear wonderful things once you stop missing it. Like eating more fruit to satisfy your sweetness cravings. And eventually not even liking the really sweet, bad-for-you stuff anymore. So good luck! I could never do it.

wade said...

I'll be honest, it took me a while to get through this post (number 3 almost did me in). I am glad that I persevered so that I could get to the LOST stuff, although, I did enjoy the high-top conversation.

So my question to you is, how do you come up with these LOST theories? Do you sit there taking notes every episode that you later review and compare with notes from past episodes? I understand that I am probably slower than the average person, but you seem to get a lot more out of the episodes than I do. That being said, I love your insight because I use it when I am talking to my co-workers about LOST and it makes me sound smart.

Aimee said...

Oh, Wade. I love you.

Amy, always a pleasure to read your thoughts and insights. It always makes me think a little deeper about the episode too. They won't answer questions next week. They lie. That is one thing I am not confused about.

Jake is a loser. I don't even know why I got sucked in this season. I've avoided it so much in the past??

I hate cats. So much. But you already know that. I would dig your kids.