Tuesday, February 2, 2010


So yeah, I'm still watching. I have no idea why even though I HATE Jake. I think he is the biggest dork ever. He is a total wuss, and makes me want to barf on the TV screen, but for some reason, I get sucked in. And what's even worse, is I watch even though I know who Jake is going to choose. I mean, what is up with that? But I did have a few comments about last nights episode anyway, cause really, it was just too ridiculous.

1. A turtleneck Jake? Really? 1994 called, and is embarassed that you are ruining it's finest fashion of the day. Terrible. Girls, you really want to date a guy who wears a turtleneck somewhere other than the ski slopes?

and last but certainly not least,

2. Vienna, what on earth was with your George Washington hairstyle last night? So. Not. Cute.

And on to bigger and most definetly better. LOST starts in approximately 54 minutes. I am beyond excited. Can't wait.

1 comment:

Stacie said...

You know who wins? I think I know, but you gotta tell me!!! asap.