Thursday, February 11, 2010



Okay, so first off, I am sorry that this post is a day late. The reason is simple. The episode sucked. Yeah. As in so it sucked so bad that on Tuesday night after book club, when I decided to sit down and watch it i actually fell asleep! Never in my entire life, or the last five seasons at least have I ever, ever fallen asleep watching Lost. It seems almost impossible, right? What with all the smoke monsters, and tropical polar bears and time jumping. But last nights episode was just terrible. I hate the temple. I hate the temple people. I miss Daniel Farraday and his crazy antics. Can we bring him back instead?

Okay, so I finally did get through the episode last night and here are some of my totally crazy thoughts.

  • Okay, so obviously we are getting a parallel story line of all the characters had the plane not crashed, and arrived safely in LA. I get it. Claire would still have her baby, Ethan would still be involved, as well as Kate. I don't like this parallel lives thing. I much preferred the flash backs and flash forwards. These just suck. I did notice however that Kate noticed Jack mid hijack. Strange.
  • I liked seeing Claire again. Her little Australian accent is so nice. But her acting is off. The whole going into labor thing was a bit much for me.
  • What is with these temple guys? They are way boring, and in no way exciting. I am confused though. Did Jack swallow the pill or not? At first I thought they got it up, and then Mr. Toga and Harry Potter glasses guy get all weird and sketchy. I really just hate this story line.
  • So, is it just me, or is Sayid not really acting like Sayid? I'm not sure if it's the way he's acting or if his accent is different, but I'm still under the impression that it's not Sayid, and it possibly could be Jakob.
  • Okay so for these temple people being all about "fate", they sure seem concerned about getting Sawyer back. Speaking of Sawyer, the whole throw the ring in the ocean was a bit lame, no? Wah, wah. What a crybaby.
  • And Kate, um yeah. She is an idiot. Juliet just died last episode. I mean, give the guy some time lady. And the way Jack looked at Kate when she left the temple? This love triangle is so tired, and I'm over it. I guess it's just that I feel like Kate should have heard me the last five seasons when I was yelling at her through my TV screen to "stay with Jack!" She must have not heard me.
  • I am so confused as to what year it is. Can anyone clue me in? I am so LOST.
  • According to this screen still in LA of Claire's ultrasound picture it is apparently 2004. Still doesn't clear up the island time though.
  • Best line of the night: By Miles - "We'll be in the food court if you need us." Classic.
  • Now lets talk about Crazy Rousso Claire. Um, what? Last time we saw her on the island she was all chill rocking away in the rocking chair with her Dad in the cabin, right? Now, she's got cookoo, with the sickness we were told about via harry potter glasses guy (really wish I knew his name) to Jack.

Now, these are the things I am hoping happens soon.

  • Next episode actually keeps me awake.
  • Lost writers pull their heads out of their a%$es.
  • Richard and his eyeliner come and give them all the elixir of life and are saved by his goodness.
  • Daniel Faraday comes back one way or the other. Even if it is in a parallel universe. He was good TV.
  • Hubs wants Echo back. Sadly, I'm not sure this is going to happen.
  • I want a Hurley episode. I love Hurley. And I love his episodes.
  • Kate to just get lost in a time warp. Oh man does she bug me.
  • Jin to find Sun.
  • Where are Rose and Bernard? Do they have Aaron? I'm so confused. But I want Aaron to be found. I can't remember where he is.

And those are my thoughts. Discuss.


hannah said...

I is SOOOOOO disappointing!! I swear the acting is getting worse every episode, it is just way to over dramatic.
Aaron is with Claire's mum, in the future somewhere...maybe...not sure on time frames. Kate plans on bringing Claire back..not sure how she is planning to get off the island again though.
I think the other "others" are extremely boring as well. If it was any other season I probably would have stopped watching, but when you have come this is hard to quit!

Aimee said...

Amen. Hannah and I were im'ing about how lame-o the episode was. I am so glad to hear you agree. All I hope for is that they don't eff it up totally. I have loved watching this series and if they ruin it in the end we will just have another Matrix series on our hands - get potential, crappy ending.

Love the recaps.

Scott wants Echo back too.