Tuesday, June 17, 2008


So, today after swimming lessons I had an hour to kill with my kiddos before we could head home, so I decided to take them to our local beloved pizza joint. The great thing about this place is not only the pizza, but the fact that they are super kid friendly. Especially at 11:15 when the only people eating lunch are the elderly and people with kids. Well, we went in, and as expected were the only ones in the joint. Perfect. No one to bother. We found our seats, placed our orders and waited for the loveliness that is Big Apple pizza. Not too shortly later our pizza came out and we began eating.

I wish this were the end of this little story. A quick plug for a neighborhood favorite. But it's not.

In walks a childless couple. And out of the 10 or so booths, and five tables in the place, they decide to plant themselves rightnexttous. So strange. Well, Thing 1 finishes his pizza, and being three, his 10-minute-long attention span having already expired, he begins looking over the booth we are in, to the one behind us at the couple that just came in. He wasn't saying anything, or yelling, or really doing anything but examining this new couple that had just came in. Now, I realize that staring isn't exactly polite, but he is THREE people. He was just checking them out.

Well, apparently the couple didn't think so. Cause they stand up in a guff, and walk away from their booth to go sit in another one on the other side of the store. Away from us. Oh, and the entire time, the male counterpart of this couple gave me the yourkidsaresoannoyingcouldyoupleasegetthemundercontrol death stare. This was a serious crusty.

Now, wait a minute. I don't want to sit here and say that my kids are perfect all the time. Or even insinuate that they aren't loud on occasion at a restaurant. But this, my friends, I think was maybe the ONLY time that my kids were actually sitting, well Thing 1 was standing--but anyways, quietly at a restaurant. Right before that had happened I was honestly thinking to myself, well, at least he isn't throwing food at them, or saying Hi or anything. Just looking quietly. I thought I'd give him a minute to check them out, then tell him to sit down, and finish his pizza. But I didn't get a chance.

Okay, so back to the death stare. Which doesn't phase me. I mean really, they are the ones that picked the booth next to a mom and her two kids. So I say (Maybe a bit too bluntly) "Are you kidding me?" He just shakes his head, and grumbles something to his really lucky friend/girlfriend as they pick their new booth. Then, (definitely too bluntly) I told him to "take the stick out of his ass before he sat down again." Then we got up, and I paid, and gave him the givemeabreakwithyourtoogoodforchildrenyourlifemustreallysucksinceyouhavesuchabadattitude death stare as we walked out the door.

I know. Straight to hell in a hand basket. a) for swearing in front of my children, and b) for not turning the other cheek. I need to repent and then go to the dentist. I guess that is what I get for being so evil. Cavities. But he was evil first. So there.

Stay tuned for Tuesday's Tip. It will be worth it. Trust me.


Aimee said...

Wait, I am confused. Did you really say to him "take the stick out of your ass before you sit down" out loud?

If you did, I TOTALLY know why I love you.

That is hilarious.

naptime nostalgia said...

Sorry, forgot the quotes on that last little lovely phrase.

Yes I did say it out loud. Luckily thing 1 doesn't know the word ass, or he would have really been on me about using potty words.

Unknown said...

I love it, I love it, I love it. Come on people, we live in UTAH for cryin' out loud. You are going to see kids at restaurants. We don't only eat at Chuck e Cheese and McDonalds! Score for Amy!