Thursday, June 19, 2008


Um, yeah. So I'm not really sure what I was smoking when I signed up to coach Thing 1's soccer team.

Honestly, not my brightest move ever.

Trying to explain soccer to 12 three-year-olds in 90 degree weather? Yeah. Not-so-much.

But at least we have one kid on our team who knows whats up. He scores at least 12 goals a game. During our last game at one point he came up to me and said, "Hey coach, I've scored nine goals. (Then without skipping a beat) What kind of treats do you think we will get at the end of the game?" Three year olds rock. It's all about the treats at the end. That is so my kind of kid. Forget the goals. What's to eat?

But, don't worry, this post does have a point. And here it is. Here is a friendly tip for ya: if someone ever asks you to coach any sport ever for any reason for three year olds, JUST SAY NO! Trust me, you will thank me later.

Photo credit: Thanks Suzanne! I am such a picture stealer.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Amy, I understand your feelings, because I would rather die than coach those kids. But you are honestly doing a great job. Not every coach would be willing to run around almost the whole game holding a little boy's hand, just so he would stay out on the field. And you even got him to kick the ball! I was so proud! It seriously meant a lot to me. So, for what it's worth, I really appreciate what you are doing. And I think you deserve a big fat award. You rock.