Tuesday, May 6, 2008

TUESDAY'S TIP gas prices

Okay, well today's tip comes again from good old Mary Jo. She never disappoints. Today she sent me a little link that I think just maybe, might need to be added to my favorites list. And it came just in the nick of time. Saturday Hubs thought he would do me a favor and stop off and fill up my car for me. This was very sweet. But I think he almost had a heart attack when he found out it was $75 bucks to fill er up. Maybe next time he will head on ova here first, pop in our zip code, see where he can save, and fill er up there.

I wish I had one of those cool electric cars. That look like they have no doors or windows or roofs. Maybe this wouldn't be fantastic with kids, but it would be fun.

And a lot cheaper.

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