Monday, May 5, 2008


Okay, if I may, I'd like to discuss something that's been ruffling my feathers ever since March 18th, and frankly, I just can't seem to let it go.

What is it you ask? Well, let me tell you.

March 18th just so happened to be Hub's birthday, and being the fantastic wife that I am, I threw my two kids into the bath, made them look presentable, swung by Costco, picked up some cupcakes, and balloons and headed over to Hub's office to surprise him.

And that is when it happened. The little occurrence that will forever be known as "the incidence of ot-eight". . Seriously, so furious.

Okay, so some quick background. Hubs is a fantastic commercial real-estate agent. (Really. If you need some commercial space, just ask him.) When you are in this business you work for a broker. Well, sort of. Well, better said, is you work under a brokerage. All the agents, including Hubs are really independent contractors. Which is just a fancy way of saying they work for themselves, and have to pay all their taxes. Glamorous right?

Okay, so back to the office. There I am with two kids in tow, mind you, and Hubs is no where to be seen. Apparently he went out for a little birthday lunch with his partners. Which is totally fine. I should have called, but really, that would have ruined the surprise. So, I turn around, and one of Hub's co-workers who sits a cube over stands up, walks over to say hi.

And normally this would have been fine. BUT IT WASN'T. Why, you ask?

Because, he had a huge mouthful of barfalicious, disgusting, nasty chew. Yes, as in Tobacco chew. And a spit cup. And I was so mortified, and completely grossed out, that I didn't even say Hi back. He probably thinks I'm a bitch now. Which is partly true. But really, chew in the office?!?!?!?!?!?!

It's just disgusting. EwWWWWW! Not to mention, then Thing 1 asks me what he had in his mouth. I am thinking to myself, Really, I'm going to have this conversation, no, not at a ballpark, but at the OFFICE?

Uggg. Now, am I not conveying my complete and total distaste, and disgust at this whole thing? Well then, LET ME BE CLEAR. I was totally disgusted, and irate, and grossed out. So, I grab my kids and leave.

So, of course the first thing I practically shout at Hubs on his birthday no less, "They let you chew tobacco at work?!?!?!!?" His response?

"Well, not me, but technically? Yes, I guess. We are independent contractors, so we really aren't employees." Then he goes on. . . "Allot of guys at the office do it. It's not just (barf-head who sits next to me)."

"What? That is insane! Not to mention, gross, disgusting, and unsanitary!!!!!"

Hubs just laughs. I want to ring his neck, his gross co-workers neck, and the owner of his brokerage's neck.

Okay, now seriously, how is this okay? I mean I get that they are not employees, but really, do they have some sort of office policy? Dress codes? Well, no. And I mean I guess I sort of get the logic behind it, because I realize if you take tobacco away, then you have to take coffee away, and then god-forbid short skirts and midriffs, and then what do you have? A normal office maybe? Strange concept.

But the thing is, coffee can make your co-workers breath reek, but really that doesn't affect you. Short skirts, can make you cringe when you see a bit too-much but it's not going to kill you, but tobacco? It affects everyone. Everyone who has to see you with that ridiculously big fat yucky lip sticking out and your nasty chew cup. Everyone has to hear and see them spit. This has to make for a lovely work environment.

Seriously. Iamthisclose to writing an anonymous letter to the owner of his brokerage, only now I guess it won't be quite so anonymous. But really, am I the only one who finds this ridiculous?

I mean, I think it's disgusting. Spit cups at work? You have got to be kidding me. I think it is stupid enough on the ballfield, but at the office? EWWWWWWW!!!!

So, my question is, what is a girl to do? Just turn my head, ignore the stupidity of others, or take some sort of action? And if it's action, then what? A letter, a bad look, a conversation? And with who? Mind you, Hubs job is kinda important to our family. So, I don't know. If this was my gross neighbor at his house, then fine. Do what you may in your own free time on your own personal property. But at a place of business?!?!?!?!

And I apologize in advance to Hubs for having to listen to this rant one last time, and to my family who has heard me bitch and moan about this since March. Sorry, but chew at work? INSANE!

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