Thursday, May 22, 2008


So I just got back from the gym, since I am too big a wuss to run in the rain, or snow or really anything except perfect weather. Yes, the conditions have to be perfect. Sorry Kelly, Kristine, Jenny, Suzanne, and Marianne for bailing out this morning. I'd just rather pretty much do anything than run in the rain. Well, to be honest, I'd rather do pretty much anything else besides run period. But thanks to Hubs I have to get in shape for that awesoem race he so kindly signed me up for without my knowledge.

So anyways, there I was busting my butt through my fiver today on the treadmill when I look at the treadmill in front of me, and this lady has, I kid you not, flip flops on. Seriously. And that wouldn't have been the worst thing ever, but then I look down again, and not only is she wearing flip flops, but they are those flip flops from a few years ago that have like little teeny two-inch heels on them. But did you forget, that we weren't at the beach or the mall? No, we were on treadmills at the gym. And that's not all folks, no, she has high-heeled flip flops on with. . . . . . SOCKS! Ya know, in case her feet get sweaty I guess. On. The. Treadmill. Oh, man. Made me giggle.

Ya really just never know what you're gonna get at the gym. I love the gym for people watching opportunities. Remember when I thought I saw John Corbett and almost asked him for his autograph, but then realized it wasn't him? Man, my gym is awesome.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

That's awesome. I bet those flip flops are a lot cheaper than running shoes...if she's having luck in them, maybe I should try them too!