Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I'm not sure when I started liking Christian rock, but I think it goes back to Jeff's stint at Christian College. Also known as Point Loma Nazarene. It was this gorgeous little college down in San Diego, right on the beach. He went there on a baseball scholarship. And one of the fun things about this place was you were required to go to "Chapel" everyday. Or they charged you. Seriously. Church or pay! Ha ha. Chapel was basically a rock concert with Christian music. People dancing in the aisles, rocking out to Jesus. And so this is where I fell in love with Christian rock. It's a little known secret about me.

I like to rock out to Jesus. And now, you will too.

This is Casting Crowns, singing Voice of Truth.



Jo said...

I need you to teach me how to imbed YouTube things in to my site; I asked your uncle Rossi, but he hasn't a clue and so I'm going straight to hte source. Will you please share with me, oh wise Amy? Thanks! :) Jo

naptime nostalgia said...

Jo, it is super easy. Just go to www.youtube.com. Pick your video. Underneath the video is a share button. Click on this. Then scroll down, and there should be a "post to blog" option. Pick yes, and follow the steps. You will need to sign up for a you tube account. Put in your blog info, and walla. Now you can imbed youtube video whenever your little heart desires.

Hope this helps. If not, I am sure youtube might have a video tutorial or something.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Amy: Found something wierd on blogger, an atheist rock band. If you're interested:
