Friday, January 18, 2008


Okay, well the pressure of producing a fabulous first-post for my brand-spankin-new blog is almost too much to handle.

So, I'm just going to get it over with. Here goes nothing.

Okay, so is anyone else really hoping this writers strike comes to an end soon? I mean, if I have to keep watching the same Grey's Anatomy episodes over and over I'm likely to completly explode soon.

Really, did their mothers not teach them to how to work together and compromise? Now is the time. The time to get together, feel the love, work things out, and get back to writing, so I can find out what happens with McDreamy and McSteamy and all the other ridiculously fabulous shows that I tivo.

And my tivo. It's really starting to scare me with this strike going on. I mean sure, yes, before there were Dora's and Diego's and a Sesame Street here and there, but now, honestly it's just getting ridiculous.

If it wasn't for the fabulous-ness of reality tv, I think I might die. I mean, January is bad enough as it is what with the snow, and the fog and the lack of holidays to celebrate. The sheer anticipation for Christmas is what gets me through December and then bam. It's January. And everything sucks. There is new years resolutions to make and then later feel guilty about, and break. And no sun. And the list just goes on and on. And without my lovely Greys and Brother's and Sisters, January really is moving much more slowly than it should.

I guess I can always look forward to Lost. Jan. 31st can NOT come soon enough. And then at least in February you have valentines day to look forward too, and then it's almost March. And March means it's almost spring. And spring, my good friends, leads into summer. Which really is the best time of the year.

So I guess what I'm getting at is: Is the strike over yet?

1 comment:

Aimee said...

All I do is whine about the strike now. Seriously I just can't figure out what is taking so damn long for them to just give in and let the writers have their way. We want our TV!!!