Friday, December 11, 2009


So, whilst I was in the throws of the first trimester and hating every second I decided to write an ongoing series I like to call, "Things That Suck About The First Trimester." Yeah, don't worry people, just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm all happy and nice and full of positivity. Nope, my pessimism is in full force. So, read if you like, pass if you don't. They are mostly, short and too-the point and full of negativity. Just call me the grinch. Fair warning friends. Enoy!

Things That Suck About The first Trimester Part 1:

Super-Spidey Senses.

And in particular my sense of smell. Holy guacamole. It’s like my sense of smell is on steroids. And it is no fun.

There I am the other day, trying to be healthy and not gain 70 pounds like with the last two chilins, at spin class, and it’s all I can do to not walk out of there, because of the overwhelming stench of B.O. and sweat. It was horrible. I honestly kept gagging and dry heaving. And trust me, it wasn’t much better once I got out of that horrid spin room. The entire gym smelt foul. And I know this is a pregnancy thing, cause I’ve never been to the gym and thought it smelled like permanent armpits. And trust me, I go, almost every day. I'm seriously considering which is worse at this point; Gaining seventy extra pounds or smelling B.O. for an hour every day?

Then I get home and the house smells terrible. And so I go on a search with my super-nose to find the culprit, only thing is that the ENTIRE place smells gross. So, first I tie a scarf around my face and nose, cause really, I didn't have a sars mask on hand, and I empty every garbage can, run the disposal for fifteen minutes, and literally threw away everything in the fridge that was older than a week old. When Hubs got home and opened the fridge I'm pretty sure he thought we'd been robbed. It looks pretty darn pathetic in there with a 1/2 gallon of milk and a carton of eggs and pretty much nothing else.

On the positive side, the fridge is clean. On the negative, we're having eggs and milk and mustard for dinner.

Oh, the joys of pregnancy.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Yeah, it makes it super fun to work as a nurse. I've never gagged at changing a diaper or ostomy until I was pregnant. And my husband was VERY good at doing the dishes. Cos I made him.