Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Okay, lets talk bachelor for a few. Not to overlook my LOST post, which I'm really way more excited about that this silly show. But, I do still enjoy me some Bachelor, so we must discuss. And I only have one small comment out of Monday's ridiculous-ness.

How cute was Jillian's dress?

I tried to find a picture of her on the website with it on while she was standing, but no such luck. Seriously, how cute was it? It was adorable. Blue, strapless, sweetheart neckline, with the cutest white embroidery on the bottom. I love her style. It's just so fresh and airy. Not at all like most of the other girls. Which look like hookers most of the time. Hmmm. Maybe a bit to harsh?

I bet you can't tell who's team I am on.

Oh, and on my last Bachelor post, I have no earthly idea how I forgot to talk about the little itty bitty fact that DeAnna might be back? What The FRACK?! I freaking HATE ABC. (Except for their genius baby which is LOST. Then I love them.) What are they thinking? Deanna, babe, you are old news, and stand no chance. You broke his heart, and chose the snowboarder. Live with it. Anyway, I thought they make the contestants like sign a waiver in blood that they won't ever talk to the other dude they didn't pick or they can sue them for like millions? Is this just a rumor? Cause I thought it was true. And if it's not, it will be like everything I ever thought I knew about the Bachelor isn't' true. And then how will I go on with life if I know the bachelor isn't real? Those producers should be fired. Don't bring Deanna back. Boooooooooo! She's boring. Way too stinking serious, and frankly, she's not Jillian.

Okay, so I'm just a bit bitter about the whole thing. Just a tad. But really, Jillian's dress. Didn't you love it?

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Yes! I loved Jillian's dress. And why in the world does he keep Megan on there? My friends and I have a theory that the producers make him keep the "drama girls" on there just for ratings and what not. She is so disgusting and lame. her one-on-one time with him was hilarious! Talking all self-righteously about how she serves people every day and that being away from that makes her sick. BARF! Anyway, I predict he ends up with Jillian even if lame Deanna comes back!