Sunday, January 18, 2009


So, yesterday I was asked to bring in dinner to a family in our ward who's father recently underwent knee surgery, so of course I did what any crappy cooking Mormon would do. I went to Costco.

And while I was there, I got the standard take-n-bake cheese pizza, cause really who doesn't love cheese pizza? The bagged Caesar salad, with the fresh shaved parm. Sooo good. Almost done. just needed a dessert. Cause really, everyone knows Mormons love dessert. So, there I was scouring the desserts. Pies, cakes, cookies, and then I spotted them. The Dunford Bakeries chocolate covered cake donuts. Sure I'd seen these before, and coveted them, but until now, I'd never had a good reason to get them. What was I, with a family of 4, going to do with 12 donuts? Other than the obvious gorge session, there was really no point, because everyone knows donuts are NOT good the second day. Only the first. Freshly baked of course. I'd always wanted to try them, but since I'm not really a fan of cake donuts (I prefer the soft fried version) in the past I just walked on by. But here was my chance. Send six with the family for desert, and keep six for us. So I did just that. And here is your warning:

If you don't want to experience the most fabulous party in your mouth you've ever experienced then STAY AWAY. And if you then don't want to dream and fantasize about this party in your mouth for every hour since, then STAY AWAY. If you don't want to think like a crazy person, then STAY AWAY.

I have seriously convinced myself after trying this loveliness that I could be perfectly content for the rest of my life to ONLY eat the Costco's Dunford Bakery chocolate covered cake donut. Seriously. I'm thinking that vegetables are over-rated. I've even considered giving up chips & salsa! (gasp!) Yes, me, someone who doesn't really even like cake donuts, or chocolate, is thinking it would be perfectly fine if she never ate anything else again. I am obsessed. And I don't even really like chocolate! It's absurd. So, I'm just telling you all, cause I love you. (Cyber-love of course) And I care about your well-being. And I don't want you to be so focused on chocolate donuts that you can't do anything else or think about anything else. I'm just trying to warn you. Cause yes, they are THAT delicious.

You have been warned.


Brittany said...

Don't I know it? I discovered these at the gas station by my house that they deliver fresh daily to. And when we went to visit my in-laws this weekend we stopped at Costco and got a box of those lovlies- they were gone in about 2 seconds. There is nothing better!

Stacie said...

oh my gosh.....I am going to try one today!!