Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Okay so humor me for a moment while I verge away from my zen-ness (yes thats a word too) for a moment so we can discuss something very important.

The Bachelor.

That's right. Can we, for a moment discuss this craziness? Okay, so I've decided that The Bachelor is like a really, really, really bad car accident that you pass on the freeway. You know it's gonna be bad, really bad, maybe even disgusting and frightening, but you just can't NOT look. You know? And in a weird way, you think to yourself, those are real people in there. And then you feel bad for them, and want to know how it will all turn out. Will they be okay? Will they end up in the hospital? Mental institution? Married?

Just like Jason. You see, I'll admit, I've watched the bachelor a few times before ;), but I just HAD to watch this season, with Jason being the bachelor and all. You see, I got all sucked in during last seasons Bachelorette, and frankly was all but SHOCKED when Deanna picked that so-not-cute snowboarder. Now, don't get me wrong snowboarding is fantastic and all, but seriously? Over Jason? Yeah, I was literally screaming at the TV last season. Hubs thought about admitting me right there, but then he remembered how I am about my reality TV, and I remember how he screams at the TV while watching ESPN, and it's the exact same. Right?

So, when I found out they had picked Jason to be the Bachelor? I was actually, dare I admit, a bit excited? I mean, come on. How cute is Ty?

But we must discuss these loony bins, er girls, they find for the show. And really, I should know better by now. I've seen enough seasons of this crap to know that in order to be on the show you must be able to cry on cue. But somehow, inevitably, every season I wonder where they get them, and why oh why are they so darn emotional.

Well, and really most of these girls seem much to young and shallow to become a step-mom. I guess that's not really fair though, cause I bet really, there are alot of amazing women in that house for him to choose from. *wink*

But if I had to choose someone, I guess I kinda like Jillian, seen pictured below. She seems down-to-earth, funny and fun. But I'm worried since she got an early one-on-one and might not get another one for along time which could hurt her. Listen, to me. I'm ridiculous.

When I was looking through abc's website to find some pictures for this lovely little post of mine, I came across this one, and it just kinda made my jaw drop. How on god's green earth are you supposed to really get to know someone when there are two camera guys, two boom mike guys and two boom mike's in your face? Really. Is this romantic? Cause I don't get it. Sure it makes for fantastic tv (depending on who you ask I suppose. Hubs will watch some shows with me. Biggest Loser for instance. But this one he vetoed. He just flat refuses, which I sort of admire in a weird way.), but for finding a wife? Come on.

Well, I suppose the point of this post was to tell you all that I realize how insane I am for watching this show. And somehow in my little head, I am justifying it. Like since I know that it's bad for me, it's okay. Brilliant logic I know. Please don't think badly of me. Everyone needs a few guilty pleasures in their life on their quest to zen-ness right?


Stacie said...

Am, I love this post because I feel the same way. It is totally like a car wreck. Every season I think...this is just crap. But I am so entertained by this crap. I can't keep myself away.

Kristin said...

So did you go to the site and notice ALL the bachelorette hopefuls? You may have noticed, or not, someone named "Treasure" who was Trey, a 1998 Skyline Eagle cheerleader. As for him, love him. Love Jillian. Cannot believe how AWKWARD some of these girls are and the Hygenist, AKA stalker, AKA "you're so adorable" on repeat really needs to next week.

Unknown said...

Now this is my kind of blogging...I get lost in your Zen stuff (but read anyways cause it is YOU) but this is the stuff I really read for. I just might have to watch the Bachelor now.

Brittany said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't look away from this mess. It is my guilty little pleasure and my husband despises it too. He humors me though and will sit there while I watch it, offering his commentary occasionally.

It's too bad Shannon is such a stalker cuz I thought she was so cute, and too bad we didn't get to see more of our Treasure, and yes Jillian is the best- could Natalie look any more porn-star? I hate her peroxide blond hair and blue eyeshadow! I could go on, I'm really into it this season- I need help!

naptime nostalgia said...



I must be some kind of idiot? Truth be told, I did fast forward through alot of the first episode, cause I can't stand akward situations, and meeting someone you think should be your husband is a bit akward, but surely you would think I would have noticed. I only noticed one from utah, but I don't remember her being named Treasure. Cause surely, there is only one Treasure in the world.

So, now, I'm gonna have to watch that crazy ep again. Online. Cause of course Hubs deleted that crap. Like as soon as possible. Too bad for her that it didn't work out. Jason seems like a nice dude. But seriously now. How does someone acquire the cahones to sign up for something like that. I am impressed.

Thanks for informing me Kris.

MEvans said...

Don't worry, you are definately not alone. We don't even have tv and I still watch the stupid show. It's my "well, I may as well be entertained while folding laundry" show. Yep, train wreck.

Jenny said...

I watch the show too. I do get annoyed that he keeps some of the crazy girls on. I mean seriously the two psychos that fight, are they really better than the other girls or does ABC make Jason keep them? It really bugs. I like Jillian and the cute girl from Texas (Melissa?) She may be too young and not necessarily step-mother material but they seem to have chemistry.
By the way, Gar watches it too.....he doesn't miss a minute.

bingham 5 said...

You are so on mark about the car wreck - I swore I would not watch it this season, but yet again I am glued- and DeAnna coming back- now that is good TV!

Lisa said...

I think I might have to fulfill #2 on your ten year old New Year's resolution list. I so enjoy your very though-provoking Zen posts, and this Zen girl loves the Bachelor as well. Could you believe the line from Nikki on Monday about the other girl on the date with her Stephanie. She said something like, "She had her chance, she had a husband, he died." I mean come on, how heartless!