Thursday, December 11, 2008


  • the house looks like a tornado hit, but you could care less.
  • Thing 2 has painted an entire tube of pink glittery lip gloss all over her body (and now is paining a dish towel), and again, you could care less.
  • Thing 1 is so bored that he is literally running around the house practicing his sliding moves on the wood floor, and even though it may look he is asking for a trip to the ER soon, you just can't quite seem to move off the couch.
  • all you want to eat is tea, Tylenol, and thera flu.
  • you were so desperate to feel even the least bit better, that you actually took some one's advice (against your better judgement) and rubbed Vick's on the bottom of your feet. Now you feel like crap and have gooey feet. yay.
  • Never mind the wii and wii fit you asked for for Christmas. All you want this year is this:

Yes I feel like I might die any minute. Either from this evil cold, or from the fact that I've watched about 10 hours of the same Harry Potter movie (Did you know that before Edward was a vampire he was a wizard?) today. So why am I telling you all this? No, not for your pity, but rather to save you from the virus from Hell that has taken over my body. Here is your warning. It's out there. On shopping carts, doorknobs and little preschoolers boogie-nosed hands. And don't even for a minute start lecturing me about flu shots and such, cause I had one friends. I did. And this little beauty of a cold, is something else entirely. No little prick or sniff can save you from this torture. So. . .

I suggest you keep an extra-large tub of disinfectant on your back and start popping those airbornes/zicam/vitamin C's like they are candy. Seriously. You might look like Bob from What about Bob, but it will be worth it. Cause you won't feel this hellish pain. Consider yourself warned.

P.S. Thing2 is currently stuck in the toy cabinet. Is it bad that I'm considering not getting up? I sure hope Hubs gets home soon. Just kidding. I'm not that sick. But I did consider it.


Jo said...

Oh I have it as well; it sucks! I'm going on two weeks! I took off work last Friday and am taking off tomorrow as well as I can't seem to kick this bugger! My drugs of choice were/are NyQuil, DayQuil, Zycam, Airborne, Zinc lozenges, tea, honey, and five boxes of lotion Kleenex. I'll pray for ya; your children as well :)

Aimee said...

Mucinex D works wonders for me. WONDERS. Consider it. It might be better than that awesome present you are wishing for.

The Gearheads said...

First off, I would leave thing 2 in the toy cabinet, that way you are sure she can't get into anything that'll hurt her.
Second, thanks for the advice on the Vick's, I've never been thrilled with the idea of gooey feet, as fun as it may sound.
Third, hope by christmas you don't need that dispenser, but I am thinking we might need to increase your movie library, although I enjoy Harry Potter, 10 hours of the SAME of any movie, even the Holy Grail, is just too much. Guess it's better than 10 hours of Dr. Phil though...

marcie b said...

you poor thing. i have been there. that "i would rather not move, be awake or maybe even alive right now" kind of sick. thing is, i have never had to do it with little ones running around with pink lip gloss and rock star slides. my heart goes out to you. anything a girl you kind of sort of know through weird family/ward/friend connections can do for you, you just holler. get well soon, you have obviously more than earned it.

ps: if you feel confident that i am not some kind of crazy, i would love an invite to peek at your family blog. that picture of stripey tights, polka dot shoes and festive skirt below has me dying to see more. just think about it. i'd like to use ashley boyack kelly as a reference of my sanity, but she knows me too well. i kid, i kid.

Becky said...

That SUCKS!!! It is never fair when mommy gets sick. We have had it to in our house. I hope that you are feeling better soon!!