Sunday, December 21, 2008


Okay, so Friday night.

I wasn't the least bit excited to go see this concert. Partly cause it was Neil, and partly cause it was a work thing for Hubs, and honestly, I don't do the corporate wife thing very well. Makes me nervous cause I have a slight problem with diarrhea of the mouth. I say, seriously, the stupidest things ever sometimes. Needless to say, we went and ended up having a total blast.

So, a few hours before the concert started they had a dinner, games, and mingling. The dinner wasn't all that great, but I will tell you what was. PLINKO! Yep, walked away with twenty bucks. Hubs only got a key chain. Ha! Next a little Wii Mario Kart. Which I totally smoked Hubs in again. And it got me really excited for our Wii we got for Christmas. I'm sure there is already a re-match scheduled somewhere in Hub's super-competitive head of his. And the best part? At all of these little game stations if you won you got raffle tickets where they drew for a bunch of different prizes. And I seriously, I bet had 100 raffle tickets in that big thing. Then they finally drew for all the prizes except for the last two items, which ended up being the prize of all prizes. And who's name did they call? Hubs. Seriously. He maybe had 20 tickets in there and he ends up winning. Who in the heck is that lucky? But what did he win? Upgraded ninth row on the floor tickets to tonight's concert! The price on the tickets said $122 each, but I heard they were going for like $300 a piece. Score! (The other tickets were up in a suite).

And in all honesty, Hubs and I were going to sneak out after the first few songs of the concert since they had pushed back the start time due to the snow and we didn't want to have our sitter out too late. But then, we won the tickets on the floor, and well, we had to rock those. And they were AWESOME. And Neil? The guy can rock. It was amazing. I have no idea how he travels all over the country performing at 67. It's incredible. But to be honest, I've never in my life seen so many oxygen tanks at a concert. Hubs and I were just laughing cause we were the youngest people there by at least 20 years. Seriously. The entire row behind us were these white haired ladies all screaming for Neil. How fun.

And Hubs especially liked it, cause he's never been to a concert on the floor. EVER. And it's true, pretty much any concert on the floor is a totally different experience. It seriously makes it so much better. I mean, really, I saw Janet Jackson 2nd row floor when I was 15 and that my friends, THAT was a show. To be honest, not a lot going on with the Neil Diamond show (alot of walking, and winking), but it was still great live music. And you can bet I was dancing my ace off during Forever in Blue Jeans, and Sweet Caroline. Made me think back on all the great concerts I've been to in that arena. Paula Abdul, Salt N Peppa, Janet Jackson, Counting Crows, and a bunch of others that I can't think of at the moment. But yeah. So here are some pictures from our fun night out.



Becky said...

I am so jealous!!! I LOVE Neil! That rocks sista!

Sabrena Suite-Mangum said...

This totally reminds me of when I made my guy (and my parents joined us) hit the Kenny Loggins concert in Mesquite... (I totally spelled that wrong).

Anyway, I kid you not, at one point (I think it was during "footloose?") he went back by the drummer and bent over with his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath... it was so classic! We were front row joe for that one (because I also made us arrive to get in line for open seating before the line had even formed...) So everyone would stand up for his songs to rock it, as only the aged can -- and then sit back down while he said a few words for a break. It was classic.