Tuesday, December 16, 2008

TUESDAY'S TIP wrapping papper chargers

Hi y'all!

Today's tip comes courtesy of the crappy economy and upcoming tithing settlements. Last weekend we had a little dinner party and I needed a fun and inexpensive way to dress up our table. And where most people would use fancy shmancy things, I decided to use stuff I had, dollar store items, and wrapping paper. Here is how it turned out:

And the great thing about all of these items is the only this that is even slightly Christmasy is the wrapping paper. So I could use all of this again, swap out the paper and use different salad plates, and I have a whole new theme. Yay!

For the place settings I used basic white dinner plates. Dressed it up with a red salad plate I already had, and made the chargers out of some fun wrapping paper I found at the Basket loft. Add dollar store ribbon for the napkin holder, and dollar store party glasses and walla: The inexpensive party solution.
Plates, stemware and napkins: free.
Wrapping paper chargers: $6.99
10 fun party glasses: $10
Decorating for under $17: PRICELESS


MEvans said...

Clever, clever. I'm sure I'll be stealing this idea at some point!

Ashley said...

Love your style! I wish I could have been a guest! Can't wait to see you next week!

PS - I love your new blog header