Tuesday, December 9, 2008


VOTE FOR ED!!!!!!!
Seriously, all you have to do is call this number:

If you love me you will do this. Heck, even if you just tolerate me, and this silly blog, will you pretty please with a cherry on top, take 15 seconds and call that number. That is all. I swear. No one to talk too, nothing to say, just dial and hang up.

Okay, now let me tell you why this is of utmost importance.

  • First of all, Ed has the coolest voice ever, and we have too darn much fun impersonating Ed to have him not be a part of the finale. It really would be tragic. Please vote for him, for his lazy southern drawl if for nothing else.
  • He is better than Heba. Way better. That silly plea Heba put up on the screen was ridiculous. Heck, Ed already got kicked off the show, and then worked his butt of (literally) to get back onto the show, and you don't think he deserves to be there? Oh, and p.s. Heba, since you were actually the HEAVIEST women on campus, then it actually would have been EASIER for you to pull the same numbers and percentages that the other women were. Yes indeedy. A vote for Ed, is in fact, a vote against Heba. And just remember Heba is friends with Vicky. Eww.
  • I know the only reason Ed gained those two pounds was cause the devil, oops, I mean Vicky talked him into it. And this just pisses me off. Cause if Ed would have just lost weight like everyone else than Vicky and Heba would have been below the yellow line, and everyone knows there is no way in the sam heck American would have let the devil in the finale. Then both Heba and Ed would have been in the finale. Which would have sucked, but would have been better than Vicky having a shot at it.
  • Vote for Ed because I think that he won't bust his butt and lose as much weight, because he knows he is in competition with Heba, and he wants Heba to win. And if Ed gets in via votes, then Michelle will have a better chance at winning. And really, I'm not really so thrilled with Michelle, I just can't stand the other three, so yeah, I hope she wins.
  • Did I mention Ed's sweet accent?


And yes, I realize this is just a show. But it is a REALITY show, so it's kinda like real. Right? Yes, I know I need to get a life.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

I voted from each of our home line numbers. We can't let her win. She doesn't deserve the gratification.

I agree about Michele. It was kind of a lame year of finalists.