Wednesday, December 3, 2008



I am so friggin sick of Vicky. It's ridic. Just jump off the platform you frickin baby. Amy should have voted you off when she got the chance. I don't think I've ever hated someone on this show as much as I hate you. And hate is a very strong word. The only thing making me feel even a little bit better is the fact that she looked horrible after her "makeover". Yes, that is so vain and rude, but oh so true. I hope to Betsy that you retain fierce amounts of water this next week so that you will NOT be in the finals. Cause you suck!

I feel so much better now. Thankyou.


Anonymous said...

remind me not to get on your bad side...

Aimee said...

She doesn't have the right heart to truly win at this game.

I am actually sad about the final 4. There is no one I totally love this year. I am pulling for Michele just because she is not as bad as the others.

How bugged would you be to be Christian and have Heba pick you up when she meets you? Who does that?

Kristin said...

She looked SOOO bad at the make over...I didn't know they sold white concealer. Yuck. I'm glad someone else HATES her as much as I do and I cannot, I repeat, CANNOT believe Amy C didn't vote her off. On a random note, do you have a jogger stroller by chance?

Jo said...

Yes, we need to fix the knowing part. You would think it shouldn't be that hard as I see your uncle all the time :) Maybe over the holidays, when I'm free :)