Friday, December 19, 2008


Thanks to my friend Kris and her brilliant post, this little guy, aptly named Prince Noah The Elf, sits high on our shelf, as a constant reminder to Thing 1 and Thing 2 that they better be nice and obey their mother, clean up their rooms, keep their hands to themselves, or else! Seriously, best bribing tool EVER! You are supposed to bring this out during the holidays so Santa's elf can watch and report. Do you think the 4th of July is too soon to break him out next year?
Thanks Kris!


Anonymous said...

I say leave him up all year.

Anonymous said...

I say leave him up all year.

Anonymous said...

I say leave him up all year.

Kristin said...

Like Ellen said, this whole Naughty and Nice list business is the way to go...By the way, I'm surprised no post on the Biggest Loser. I was sooo close to calling you and talking about it and then well, life just happened and didn't get a chance.

Ashley said...

We have this too! Ours is named Buddy. (after the famous Buddy the elf of course) And he moved around a couple of times, and one morning ended up in the tree. Each morning after, if Buddy was somewhere else Anna would get so concerned and mad! He HAD to be back in the tree. So there he stayed for the rest of the month. Whatever. As long as she knew he was there.

I think he should come out on any day that you need him too!