Tuesday, April 15, 2008


So, my sweet Hubs. He must think I'm very uninformed, because it seems one of his most favorite pastimes is sending me articles via e-mail from the local newspapers. And I appreciate this, because he keeps me up-to-date on all the local happenings of SLC. (It's not that I'm anti-local paper, it's just that I prefer my news come from a larger source--msn for instance).

But his latest article has me grinning from ear to ear. You can check it out here. Now, I'm sure I am one of the very last people on the planet to ear about Dooce.com. But thank goodness I finally have. The author is a local (sort of. Born and raised in the south a Mormon. No longer a practicing Mormon, but now lives in SLC with her Hubby, daughter and two dogs.) mommy blogger with just about the funniest sense of humor ever. Now, be warned. She is very crass, at times shocking, and somewhat, er pretty anti-Mormon, but her posts and pictures are most delightful. And I'm afraid dooce.com just might be my new Diet Coke with caffeine.

Plus it's fun to read up on someone else's view of life as a mom in SLC. And, I'm not the only one who thinks so, since she averages 2 million hits on her site a month. So, if you want, you can check her out here. Or don't. But if you do, don't say I didn't warn you.

1 comment:

Sadie said...

Hey there, I just caught the tail end of ON THE RECORD just in time to see that Dooce was on and I thought of you. If the link does not work, the story is on abc4's website. Enjoy.