Sunday, January 3, 2010


Did you know that I'm religious? Have I mentioned that? Well I am.

Two of my "resolutions" this year are to have more regular personal scripture study, and finally master Family Home Evening. These two have been on my list since the beginning of time, so as you can tell I'm not so great at keeping my resolutions. This is usually cause I just go in with a great idea and lots of momentum, and then by June I'm distracted and onto something else. I figure this is because I lack direction and a plan. But this year, has got me covered.

First off, to be sure my scripture reading stays on par I've got a brand spanking new scripture reading chart. Some awesome Mormon (with a lot of time on their hands) went ahead and copy and pasted the entire BOM into excel and then divided it up into 365 days and what you've got left is THIS. It's got a certain number of equal scriptures to read every day so that you can finish the BOM in a year. Now, this wasn't my original goal, but I figure it will be a nice perk. I fancy a good list. Something that I can keep in my scripts, and mark off everyday. Makes it seem like I'm productive. Now, if I can just manage to crack them open everyday. ;)

Now on to my second resolution. Family Home Evening. I have to say, that every year Hubs and I get better at this one, but somehow we can't quite master it. But I think we've got a pretty good shot this year, especially now that the children's attention spans are longer than two point five seconds. I think we managed a good fifty-five percentage last year. I'm hoping though, to up that to at least eighty-five with this bad boy. It's an entire year of family home evening lessons for 2010 that co-ordinate with the primary theme each week and sharing time. I have asked hubs to print out the entire thing for us, and then we will be golden. Or I guess you could just print out what lesson you need each week too. It's got an assigned opening hymn, scripture, lesson and activity. This is so great, cause half of the time last year we just pulled a super-ghetto fhe, and read a story out of the friend. Hey don't judge us. You know you've done it too.

So there you have it. My first fairly churchy post, and resolution shout-out all in out.


Darin and Marianne said...

Thanks for the links to both of those. These are two great goals for us as well. I already had better personal scripture study on my resolution list.

bingham 5 said...

I love ghetto FHE!

Jamie said...

Oh boy. I so need to do better at regularly reading my scriptures. My biggest problem isn't reading them, but focusing on what I'm reading. My mind wanders all over the place. ADD? Yes.

And congrats on another boy!

Jer + Lu said...

Good luck with your goals! + thanks for the links.