Friday, January 1, 2010

IT'S A. . .

"And now," cried Max, "Let the wild rumpus start!"

Let the wild rumpus start indeed. We found out a few days ago that baby in utero number three is a BOY!!

I was pretty sure it was, since this pregnancy has been an exact replica of Thing 1's. So, I was pretty calm when the Russian man at Fetal Studio said, "I yam certain. Two hundred pear-cent Boy." No shock there. Just a little bit sad that I won't get to use all those adorable Matilda Jane clothes again. Oh well. Here is to hoping one of my brothers adds a girl to the mix one day soon.


Jen said...

Congrats! I'm pretty sure I'm having a boy, but it's still a few weeks before I find out (unless I pay the money to find out now, which, NGL, I am SERIOUSLY tempted to do!!)

Did you ever say when you're due? Because I just realized I have no idea... but it must be pretty close to me....

Aimee said...

fun! you seem like you would be great mom for boys.

yeah, when are you due?

naptime nostalgia said...

Hi girls! Thanks for the congrats. I am officially due July 1st, but because I'm a c-section girl I will get to deliver the last week of june. I am still too early to have my hospital ordered ultra sound, so for fun we took the kids to fetal studios (in southtown mall) so they could see that there really was a baby in my belly. He was moving all around so that was fun for them. And I am surprised the doc could tell, since I was like 14 weeks exactly. A little early still to tell, but he seemed sure. I thought it was worth the $60. The kids were squealing with delight.

Stacie said...

congrats Am. That is so fun. I can't believe they could tell what you were having at 14 weeks, wow! Well that is so fun. I bet your so excited. Can't wait to hear more about the next 26 weeks! :-)

Kim said...

Congratulations!! I bet the kids were excited so fun to add a little brother to the mix.

Deming Family said...

How fun! You'll have a blast with another boy! Congratulations! I can't believe you're far enough along to know what you're having!

marijke rossi said...

I think it is great you are having a boy. The Rossi Fam was tipping toward the girl side a little heavy. Of course we love them all no matter what. Congrats. I can't believe I was oblivious to this until today. The boy clothes in our garage should have sent up a clue.