Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Tonight we went out to a very lovely dinner with the fam. It was delish. As we were getting up to leave, Thing 2 decided that she just had to put on her ipod before she left. I suppose for some listening enjoyment as she walked to the car. Thing 1 had no intention of waiting for his three-year old sister to rig up her ipod. So, he went on ahead to the car. I decided to let hubs figure out the ipod sitch, while I went after Thing 1. I found him outside jammin' to the music they have playing outside the restaurant. So I decided to jam with him while we waited for the other two. Now, I know I'm not the best dancer that ever lived, but I can shake my tail feather pretty darn fine if I do say so myself.

Finally, after several minutes of dancing outside, Hubs and Thing 2 make it outside the restaurant. We then start heading to the car. And this is when Thing 1 walks directly smack into the car next to us. Straight into it. Thud. It was loud. This is when I run to him and ask him (while stifling a laugh) if he is okay, and make sure we don't need to head to the hospital or anything. And this, THIS is what he has the gal to say to me.

"Gosh, Mom! (in a loud yelling voice) You made me dizzy from all your horrible dancing!"

Oh great. He's only five and already I'm being blamed for everything that goes wrong in his life. Oh the joys of motherhood.


Jamie said...

I feel like saying "ugh!" and "hilarious!" at the same time. So funny, but I'm so not looking forward to the day that my kids think I'm old and lame. My heart hurts to think about it. And I'm sure you're not that bad of a dancer...

Aimee said...

being a mom is so uncool :)

Kim said...

that is so hilarious. You must not be that bad if you dare to do it in public. I have to be in my house with the blinds closed.

hannah said...

That is too funny. Classic!