Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So in pregnancy women often crave many things. Pickles and ice cream amongst the most popular. I however, usually don't crave things, but rather have aversions. With Thing 1 it was funeral potatoes. Couldn't even get near them, even for a good while after I'd delivered. With Thing 2 it was cottage cheese. Ewww. And with Thing 3 it is meat. Any and all meat. Just grosses me out. I'm starting to come out of it a little bit, but mostly it still makes me want to gag. But this pregnancy I am absolutely craving something, which is very unusual. I want it so bad, but unfortunately I don't think my wishes are going to come true. This is what I'm craving:

A complete and total dreamless nights sleep.
I honestly can't remember the last time I went to sleep and didn't have some crazy, scary, whacked out dream. And it's exhausting. Every night I wake up 5 or 6 times in a panic because one of my children has just died, or been kidnapped, or forgotten altogether. It is absolutely frightening. Someone once told me that pregnant women have these types of dreams so that they can, even in their subconscious, be able to handle any situation involving their offspring. So that we will be prepared in a case of emergency or shock. A sort of innate evolution type-thing. And I guess I can see her point, but it doesn't make me feel any better about my terrible dreams. I just wish they would stop. Luckily I haven't had all the crazy new baby dreams yet. Like when you leave them at home, and just completely forget about them? I hate those dreams. I feel like I have enough guilt about all the many ways I'm screwing my kids up while I'm awake, that I really don't need it while I'm supposed to be sleeping. Needless to say, I'm absolutely exhausted, and would really, really, really love a totally dreamless night. One of those nights where you wake up and go, "wow, that went quick." And for the life of you, you can't remember a single dream. Yes, that would be nice.

1 comment:

A Paperback Writer said...

Well...... I'm no expert on evolution or pregnancy, but I suspect that the totally whacked out hormones that cause most of the weirdnesses of pregnancy are responsible for your dreams.
You have my sympathy, for it's not likely to get better once you have a newborn waking you up every couple of hours.