Yesterday's post is oh-so-apropos. It is currently 2:45 a.m. and I can't sleep.
So, for some time now, I'd say like a year or so, I've had trouble with my left ear. Started with me just not being able to really hear well out of it. The first time I can remember this is one day when I was working out with my ipod on. I couldn't hear a certain song out of my left ear bud. I thought it was the bud. I took out the left one. Listened on just the right. Yep. Working. Took out the right and just had the left one in. Sounded really weird. It was like I couldn't hear the base or something. I thought it was just the bud. So, I put the left ear bud in my right ear. Perfect. Then I knew. Had a little hearing problem. Nothing I couldn't live with. Went to an audiologist and sure enough I had quite a bit of loss in that left ear. But, it seems like mostly my right ear just kind of compensates so it's really no big deal. Problem solved by answering all calls with my right ear, and sitting on the left side of the yoga studio.
Well, tonight I've had the worst ringing in my left ear ever. I know I exaggerate alot on this blog, but honestly the ringing in this ear is so loud. When I woke Hubs up to tell him I thought I was dying, I couldn't even hear myself saying those words. Really. I've had ringing in this ear on and off, but usually it just goes away and isn't really that loud. More of a muffled ringing. But tonight I woke up about 1:30 with the LOUDEST ringing ever. It is honestly, so loud and very annoying. It kinda sounds like when your ears ring after attending a really loud concert for a few hours, only times 10. And except I didn't get the fun concert first.
Anyway, I'm online trying to figure out what the heck this could be, and well, I am pretty sure it ain't good. Ringing in two ears, fine. Ringing in one ear. NOT. SO. GOOD. Guess I will be making myself an appointment with an ENT first thing Monday morning. If I can last that long. The stuff on webmd about ringing in one ear is just down right frightening. Supposedly it's called tinnitus. The stuff on there says tinnitus is either brought on my old age (Is 29 old?), or acoustic trauma (meaning loud noises). And being a mother of a two year old and four year old is definitely loud, I'm just not sure it's
that loud. Basically, if it's not one of these two things--which I'm pretty sure it's not--it's a problem with the nerves. Meaning acoustic neroma (tumor. Here is where someone should say in their best Arnold Swartzeneger impression, "Amy, it's not a tumor." Cause that would make me feel better.), labrynthitis (don't think it's this because although I have had a sharp rise in my migraines lately, I've had zero dizziness-except when I stand up quickly or something. Which I think is normal.), Menieres disease, anemia (just had my blood drawn two weeks ago, so I doubt it's this--or the next one), thyroid disease, and Otosclerosis (overgrowth in bone behind the ear drum). And in my opinion I think it's either the first or the last. Not good.
So, the reason I'm telling you all of this nonsense? Well, remember when I asked for your recommendation for a great photographer? I got some awesome feedback and ended up loving the way that all turned out so, I was wondering if anyone knows a good ENT (Ear Nose and throat ) doctor. And really, you would think that I would, since I have a child with a hearing loss, but he goes to a pediatric ENT. And since I don't think I can pass for 17, I better find an adult ENT. Maybe I will call him and see if he also sees adults. But in the meantime, if there are any of you out there, that could recommend a good ENT I am all ears. Er, at least all of one ear. Har, har. Nothing like a bit of good, I mean crappy, late night humor.
Thanks for your help bloggers.