Thursday, October 30, 2008

TUESDAY'S TIP laundry fun

Okay, first off, I realize that it is Thursday, and not Tuesday. But things are just a bit crazy, and honestly I am ready for Halloween to be over already. But one thing that is in order? My laundry.

I used to hate doing the laundry, and truth be told, I still do, but now, it is much, much easier. My old laundry tactic was simple. Avoid it as long as possible, then when I could no longer see my laundry room floor, Hubs being the awesomest Hubs ever, finally because he loves me so, would spend all weekend cleaning, folding and putting it away.

Great tactic, right? Except when you find out you are out of clean drawers. Then, not so much.

So, after last weeks marathon laundry session I decided I needed a new plan. So, my new plan was that each day of the week I would designate a certain portion of the laundry to be done that day.

For example:

Monday: Hubs and my whites
Tuesday: sheets & towels
Wednesday: Hubs and my darks
Thursday: Thing 1 & Thing 2
Friday: enjoy the clean laundry room.

I even got a little compulsive and made laminated reminder charts. One is taped to our bathroom mirror, and the other is down on the washing machine. This has been a vital part of said plan. Because Hubs is an early riser, and always up before me, he usually gets right up and puts the first load in. Then, by the time I roll out of bed, I can go down and change over the load to the dryer and put the second load in if necessary (Tuesdays & Wednesday we always have two loads. the other days usually one). Then, after I put the kids down for quiet time/nap time I go and fold the load and put it away. Now that last part is key. Putting it away the same day I do it. And even better, as soon as I fold it. Cause really I can load up on clean laundry in my laundry room just as easily as dirty laundry.

While at first I resisted this plan, because honestly, I kind of liked having a day where every piece of laundry in the whole house was clean, I quickly got over that idea, because it's just really not all that realistic. There is always something getting dirty. Always.

So, now, thanks to my laundry plan, for the past two weeks, my laundry room has looked like this:
instead of this:
I realize many of you have probably been doing something similar to this plan for years. This is because I have brilliantly smart readers. But I thought I would share this little tip with you just in case there were a few of you out there who were like me: laundry challenged. Just know, there is hope. Just make yourself a laundry chart, laminate it (cause it's fun), and get ready to lead a less-stressful, more organized life.


Suzanne said...

Brilliant! I need all the help I can get with laundry. My problem is that I usually can't make it a full week without doing the whites...guess that means it's time to up our stock of unders.

naptime nostalgia said...

Glad I could help.

But, now I'm wondering if I am strange because I have lots of underwear.

Oh well. It's always good to have clean underwear I guess.

Deming Family said...

I can totally relate to this post. I need to send a picture of my pile on laundry day. I too typically wait until the last day possible, and end up having at LEAST 10 loads. Looks like I'll have to try this new system. Thanks for sharing!