Sunday, March 28, 2010


We had eight years of Bush and Cheney, Now you get mad!?

You didn't get mad when the Supreme Court stopped a legal recount and
appointed a President.

You didn't get mad when Cheney allowed Energy company officials to dictate
energy policy.

You didn't get mad when a covert CIA operative got outed.

You didn't get mad when the Patriot Act got passed.
You didn't get mad when we illegally invaded a country that posed no threat to us.

You didn't get mad when we spent over 600 billion(and counting) on said illegal war.

You didn't get mad when over 10 billion dollars just disappeared in Iraq.

You didn't get mad when you found out we were torturing people.

You didn't get mad when the government was illegally wiretapping Americans.

You didn't get mad when we didn't catch Bin Laden.

You didn't get mad when you saw the horrible conditions at Walter Reed.

You didn't get mad when we let a major US city, New Orleans, drown.
You didn't get mad when we gave a 900 billion tax break to the rich.

You didn't get mad when the deficit hit the trillion dollar mark.

You finally got mad when the government decided that people in America deserved the right to see a doctor if they are sick. Yes, illegal wars, lies, corruption, torture, stealing your tax dollars to make the rich richer, are all okay with you, but helping other Americans...oh hell no.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010



Okay, so I finally get my Richard episode, and it's well, just eh. I mean, I loved it, cause it was LOST, but I really feel like I didn't learn a whole lot. Just had some previous thoughts and hunches confirmed. But that doesn't mean there isn't much to discuss. So let's get right to it. And we're off. . . .


  • So the episode starts off with a little information about how Jacob and Ilana met. She is the ultimate Jacob protector. Then, we are hit with a little fireside chat involving Jack, Hurley, Sun, Richard/Ricardo, Miles, the pilot and Ilana. We learn that Ilana is told by Jacob that Richard will know what to do next, since I'm assuming Jacob's dead and the island is without it's fearless leader.
  • K, so that leads us into this next whole enchilada that bitter Richard is now convinced, since Jacob's dead, that he has been lying this whole time and that the island is in fact hell. That he is dead, and that they all are. And that the island is basically purgatory. One thing that confuses me about this theory that Flocke/Smokey/MIB proposes to Richard is that Ben and the oceanic 6 have all gotten off the island. Sure they came back, but they got off. And I guess my question then is, how do you get out of "hell"? Very confusing.
  • Richard decides to leave and go find Smokey and let him know that he has decided to switch sides and follow him.
  • Now there was so much religious mumbo jumbo going on in this episode that it was almost too Biblical if you ask me. Slightly too much for my liking. I mean, I like a good parallel, allegory even, but this was a bit much.
  • Hurley and Richard have and Isabella have a Ghost moment. It's touching, and slightly lame all at the same time. Hurley tells him that Isabella wants Richard to stop the man in black from leaving the island, and if he doesn't they all will go to hell (at least according to Isabella). Confused much?
  • But on a quick little side note here, what if it is all just about Hurley? The ultimate connector. Man he is awesome. I just love his character, especially when I found out that ultimately he wasn't even supposed to be a main character, but the pilot audiences responded so well to them that the writers decided to keep him. Three cheers for Hurley/Hugo.

So, some thoughts. So all these seasons and episodes I've thought Richard was the ultimate and knew so much, but really, he is just as clueless and you and me. Nice. Although I do think it will be fun to go back and watch all the seasons again some day just for fun, now that we know what we know. Ya know? Ha. So, in my opinion, the episode was definitely necessary in order for them to tie up loose ends, and make sense of the whole series, but since I knew most of the stuff already I didn't find it very enlightening. No new info, really, just more questions. Ahh, the awesome-ness that is LOST. Love it.


  • K, so we know that he lived originally in the 1600s. His wife was dying and tries to ultimately save her, and ends up accidentally killing a man, and being thrown in jail. I think it's nice that he's passing his time in the slammer productively -- learning English. Then we meet the corrupt Priest, who will not accept his penance, then he ultimately ends up selling him. Not sure how a priest has all that power, but whatever. I must say between this episode and all the stuff going on in the press, it's not a great time to be a catholic. Sheesh.
  • My suspicions were confirmed about Richard coming to the island as a slave via the Black rock. Thought it interesting that Smokey refrains from killing him. Ultimately I'm sure it's so that he can use Richard to his advantage.
  • Thought the pig eating all the dead guys was pretty gross. But nice to see the pig finally getting some revenge after years of wonderful BBQ. ;)
  • Richard sees his dead wife. Strange, not sure about that part. Maybe Richard is dead? How can smokey get her again, if she is already dead? So weird, although it's not the first time we've seen dead people on the island (Jack's dad).
  • The man in black comes to recruit Richard to kill Jacob. MIB tells him that this is hell, and the devil is Jacob. Is it strange that I think that the MIB is sorta hot? For an old guy. On vacation we were talking about old hot guy celebrity crushes, and I had a hard time coming up with one, but now I pick the devil. Or not-the devil -smokey, or MIB. Whatever. Moving along. Richard fails in his task to kill Jacob. How creepy was it for MIB to say, "It's good to see you out of those chains?" Hmmmm. Sounds a bit like something Jesus might say,no?
  • Find out that the black rock destroyed the statue, and that he must again kill Jacob before he speaks. Only one chance. He says that the devil betrayed him, and took his body. But really, if were are speaking biblically, that we know that the real Devil was the one to never receive a body. So is MIB the devil, or Jacob? Decisions decisions.
  • For someone that's supposed to be "good" Jacob can sure pack a punch. A bit violent if you ask me. Also a bit brisk, and bossy too. I'm not sure I like Jacob in this episode. Is this so I will maybe consider him as the Devil? Probably. Jacob reassures him that he's not in hell, and that he's not dead. Jacob says, "No one comes in unless I invite them in" while pouring wine. Hmmmm again with the jesus mubo jumbo. Jacob tells Richard he brings ships, and planes to the island for the sole purpose of proving Smokey wrong. This seems a bit like messing with people's free agency if you ask me. Tells him the island is the cork, keeping the darkness/evil/devil inside. He says that Smokey thinks that everyone is corruptible, and that it's in everyone's nature to sin. Jacob wants to prove him wrong, but without telling them what to do. Jacob doesn't want to force them or step in. That's not very christ-like. Oh man. Confusing. At first I thought that this was just like the bible. God giving everyone their free will. However, that free will came with a price. A savior--if we are speaking biblically and you believe that. So, Jacob wants everyone to choose good, without having to tell them to do so. So pretty much he is asking Richard to be his representative to tell the people to do good so he doesn't have to. Then Richard asks him to bring his wife back, says he can't. Then Richard asks to be forgiven of his sins, Jacob apparently can't do that either. Which doesn't sound very God or Christ-like. But living forever, he can do. That seems kind of creepy and almost like he is making a deal with the "devil." So, who's the devil, and who is good? Oh, so confusing. Just like I like it. Smokey tells him that Jacob can be very convincing. Just like the devil. And that his offer still stands.
  • My favorite scene though was the one with Jacob and MIB. Riveting in every way. I was trying to dissect that entire conversation. Who is good? Who is evil, and who darn it, is the devil? And does good gloat? MIB says he just desperately wants to leave. Jacob says he can't leave as long as he is alive. But --- and big but here, isn't Jacob dead now? Real time I mean? So why hasn't smokey left yet? Is it because of the the candidates? Seems like a lot of killing needs to happen. And only with that one sword, and only through the chest, and only if he doesn't speak first. Ugg, that is a lot of rules. Thought it weird that Jacob gives MIB wine to pass the time, and he breaks it? What was that all about? Are we to think that all MIB has to do, is break the glass, and he's free? If only it were so simple.

So, my head is spinning, and I'm loving it still. I'm hoping there will be some more information soon about Ilana. I still can't believe she has such a big role in the whole island Jacob thing, but yet we don't really know a lot about her. But I really can't wait till the next episode, where we can get back to all the other losties and their crazy antics. I've missed them.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Yay, okay so it's time for a little LOST recap. Spoiler alert. This is for the episode airing on 3/16, so if ya haven't seen it yet, ya might want to hit next blog. And so we begin.

  • Well, so Sawyer is still a conman. Only this time, he's on the right side of the law. So did not see that one coming. Sawyer as a cop. Kinda reminded me of when he was the security guy for the Dharma initiative. Pretty much basically the same guy, only not. Inneresting. Loving that miles is his partner. Love that the go word was "LaFleur". Classic.
  • Saw in the recap ep, that Sawyer is looking for Cooper, the guy who killed his family, which is also John Locke's father, who eventually did make it onto the island and held prisoner by the others. And then Sawyer got to kill him? Remember? Vaguely? yeah, me too.
  • Nice to see Charlotte again. Nice to see she wasn't a total beotch like on the island. Too bad he doesn't call her ginger in the flash sideways like he did on the island, but I have to say it was nice to see her all glammed up instead of spewing blood all over the place. But, in all honesty, seeing Charlotte again mostly just made me miss Daniel Faraday. He really was one of the best Lost characters wasn't he?
  • Not sure about the fact that he watches Little House On The Prarie. Downgrades his hotness a bit if you ask me.


  • Okay, how creepy is Claire's baby thing? Ewww. And does that dharma initiative not have any leftover hair brushes or hair smoothing cream, cause Claire could really use some. Oh, and some prozac.
  • How weird is Sayid acting? So am not a fan. Interesting that he and Claire have the same "sickness" only it makes Sayid placid, and boring and Claire, wacked out and crazy. Does this mean that the "sickness" affects people in different ways depending on their personalities or something. They are both such departures from their previous selves.
  • Lets talk Fake Locke. How strange is it, that in this episode the writers wanted to make him off as almost fatherly? (Oh there it is again -- daddy issues). He comforts, he understands, he tells the truth, he breaks up fights, he's insightful, he's consoling. He's so nice, I almost want to call him up and make lunch plans, except then I remember that he kills people. And that's kind of terrible.
  • Locke finally admits out loud that he is the smoke monster to Sawyer, and sends him to hydra island on a little mission. Tells him it's because, "he is the best liar he knows." Now, has smokey been following the Losties lives as well as Jacob? Or is this a Locke thought? Anyway, he finds his old stomping grounds where he was held hostage with freckles. Finds her dress. Ahh, little lost moment. Remember when Flocke/Smokey told Ben to go to hydra island? Maybe he wanted Ben to run into Widmore and have him killed. Just a little thought.
  • Locke has a little sit down with Kate where he unleashes his mommy issues. His mom was crazy. Says he still has issues with her. Yeah, well welcome to the club Smokey. My only crazy thought here, is what if he's just using Locke's past thoughts and life to draw sympathy from Kate, playing the crazy-mom card. That whole Aaron bit. Plus, is it just me, or does Smokey, talk and sound an awful lot like Locke? Using even the same phrases etc. Is this just a misstep on the writers parts? I highly doubt it. They seem to be pretty keen on details. My head is all a flutter at who Smokey's mother will turn out to be, if she exists, that is! I really hope she makes an appearance at some point if she does. Oh the possibilities! If her name however ends up being Rebekah, as in the bible story Jacob and Esau, well, that would make a lot of sense. Just a little thought there.
  • But Claire almost killing Kate at the beginning of the episode, to hugging it out at the end seems a bit much to me.
  • So the whole double scheme, con Sawyer is pulling on Fake Locke/Smokey and Widmore is awesome. He's not on either team (Jacob or Smokey), he's on team Sawyer. Can't wait to see who he ends up conning in the end. I finally feel though, like he really, really, really wants to get off the island this time. In the past it's just sorta been like it feels like he only kinda wants to get off the island. But now, he really does. Like he realizes that if he gets off, he might get to see Juliet again somehow.
  • Now, for just a moment I want to discuss the dumb locked door in the sub, cause well, they pointed it out and made such a point of doing so, that I think someone or something is inside of it, that will affect the story somehow. I'm hoping it's Daniel Farraday of course.
  • And on a side note, can I just say that I HATE, how Lost keeps introducing all these new groups of characters? First its the one plane crash with the original losties, then it's the tailers (those that were in the tail end), then it's the others, then Rosseu, then it's the dharma initiative, then its the freighters, then the other flight, then Ilana's people, then it's the temple people, then it's the new "team smokey" people, and now it's Widmore's sub characters. It's just so much to keep straight. And really, do we need any more new characters when there are only like 8 episodes left? Yeah, I didn't think so either.
  • Really, really, really, excited about tonights episdoe. I've been asking and asking for a Richard ep, and apparently it's finally here. So, I'm going to stop typing, and go watch, and revel in it. Oh, how I love you lost.
  • And just one final thought. What if, and I am really hoping here, that Hurley is the answer to it all? How cool would that be? I mean, I'm just sayin'.


K, just a quick little update to let you all know that tonight's LOST will run six minutes longer than usual. You might want to adjust your DVRs and Tivos stat since we both know that the last few minutes of lost are often times full of more information and answers than the full sixty minutes that preceded them. So yeah, go adjust those recorders now.

Also, wanted you to know that I am back from my little vacation and blogging hiatus. I've got a few blog posts a brewin'. Here is what I've got on tap for Naptime in the next few days:

  1. Last weeks lost recap & thoughts. This might be up a bit later. I watched it whilst on vacation so I wasn't able to take as thorough notes as I normally do since I had no idea where to find a single piece of paper, which was lovely. And notes in my head seem to get jumbled. I am going to watch last weeks ep again tonight and then post my thoughts after that. Sorry it's a week late. People gotta vacate yo. And I will also post my thoughts on tonight's ep probably in the a.m. once I've let my thoughts simmer and stew.
  2. A little update on the baby in utero. Just had another ultrasound today for some issues I'm having. So yeah, I'm sure that one will be riveting.
  3. A little health care post. My thoughts, as well as some really helpful links breaking down the whole thing into much more understandable language.
  4. Vacation recap. Don't want to let go of Cali just yet.
  5. and last but not least, my new job post. Lame that I haven't gotten around to that yet.

So there ya have it. Hope you stop by in a few to check em all out. Later.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


So, I hijacked Hanski's computer to do a quick post. The beach house is absolutely amazing. Impeccable in every way. It is like heaven to go to sleep and wake up to the waves. Staring all day every day at a unobscured view of the beach and ocean is incredible. Nothing quite like it, really. The patio of the house leads right down to a small patch of grass perfect for morning yoga, then goes right into sandy beach which is warm and lovely, and about fifty steps later straight down to the pacific. The water is a bit chilly, but was perfect today as I road out in the kayak just because I could. I am loving every minute of this vacation. The living quarters are incredible, the company pure hilariousness, and good times are being had by all. Best point of the day so far has been my bowl of frosted flakes that I ate right on the beach. It's a balmy 80 degrees out, which is perfect in my book. I'm appropriately sunburned, and as Bob Marley plays in the background I am reminded that heaven does exist here on earth, in little slices of perfection that must be acknowledged in order for the universe to keep them coming. Boys are out getting Pina Cola mix, and the ladies are all chilling on the deck reading our various beach books, enjoying our title as the grand champions of catchphrase after last nights blowout. The ocean crashing in the background is just what this mama needs right now. I am eternally grateful for this little getaway sans kids, and am feeling absolutely and completely content at this moment. Gratitude must be given to the grandmas for stepping up big time to watch the kiddos. Missing them much, but thoroughly enjoying being able to spend some time with my first true love.

In all honesty I could go on and on. Everything about this vacation, including the day we spent yesterday cruising around So Cal in the convertible Mercedes has been almost surreal. And my favorite part? That it's only day 4. Many more to come. Big ups to the Hoddogs, Hubricks, Shawsters, and Hacketts for making this vacation all out incredible. It is tax season after all.

Catch all you bloggers on the flip side when I can download a few pics of the pure and total awesomeness that is Wale Rock beach house down in So Cal. I'm off to go lay in the sun.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


First off, I want to say thanks to everyone who commented about my weird pregnancy skin thing. It's nice to know people care. I have a hunch that it just might a been those darn oranges. I stayed away from them today, and I've felt a lot better. Not itch free, but better. So thanks for the concern.

Okay dudes, lets talk LOST.

So how friggin' awesome was this episode? Right? I mean, it took me right back to the good old flash back days. Just loved the whole thing. And honestly, it was a nice break from the rat race that seems to being going on, on the island. So, without further ado, let's discuss.

  • Okay, first off, I don't want to admit it, but I'm actually finding myself liking Ben? What? This show really is crazy. So, Ben in the flash sideways, as a teacher talking about Napoleon? How classic. Exiled on an island, yet missing his power? Hmmmm. Awful familiar writers. Very sneaky.


  • We find in the flash sideways that Alex still isn't Ben's daughter, yet they have a "father/daughter" type relationship. Again with the daddy issues.
  • Love how Locke interjects the idea to Ben in the flash to disrupt life and become the principle. Inneresting. Spooky.
  • Also think it's interesting to point out that Ben takes care of his father, and they seem to have a very healthy relationship. And instead of killing him with poison like on the island, he is helping him stay alive by giving him oxygen. Very ironic. We also find a real clue about the flash sideways, that at least for Ben and Roger we find out that they did go to the island and work with the Dharma initiative, and that at some point they got off. At least in the flash sideways life. Again with the daddy issues though.
  • Love that we are finding that this internal struggle within Ben for power and to do what is right, is something that's with him even off the island. And I love that in the flash sideways he does justice right, and redeems himself, and this time saves Alex instead of going for the power. Love the allegory. And in the end he even gives up his parking space? How very un-Ben Linus of you Ben Linus.


  • We find out that Jacob, up until the moment he was killed, thought that it wouldn't happen. Not sure what this means. But thought it was interesting enough to note. Ilana finds out Ben killed him, and she gets pissed. Rightfully so, as she was his bodyguard. We also learn that Jacob was the closest thing she ever had to a father. Does this mean off the island? On the island? So many questions. . .
  • I have lots of thoughts about Miles and Lapidus. Especially Lapidus. How even though he missed his flight (815) by sleeping in, he still ended up on the island. In effect, he was meant to get on that island. Still not really sure of Miles role in this whole mess. Is he just there to give us funny one-liners and dig up diamonds?
  • We find out that Ilana is now protector of the candidates. And that candidates replace Jacob. Still don't know if Kwon is meant for Sun or Jin. But we do know there are six candidates. Six left anyhow. . .
  • Jack now seems to be a different person all of a sudden. Almost feels like I missed an episode on him or something. Or maybe he just really did learn a lot about life from staring off into the ocean that last ep. All content, and full of faith. And out pops Richard. He takes Jack and Hurley off to the Black Rock, which I am assuming the writers want us to believe is how Richard originally came to the island (so very long ago), perhaps as a slave (the chains)? Nice parallel that even though he gets freed from those chains as a slave at some point, he ends up a slave to Jacob in a way. We find that it's Richards first time back to the Black Rock. A possible answer to a question? I can't believe it! Well, a guided answer at least. We find out that Richard wants to die, but can't because he has been given some "gift" or curse depending on how you see it. He has been given eternal life, by just a touch from Jacob. We learn he can't kill himself. And that he's really bitter about that. He thinks he devoted his life in service to a man who told him that he was part of a plan, and now he thinks his life was in vain. Yeah, he's pretty pissed. Love when Hurley says, "He's crazy, and I know crazy." Jack doesn't think that anyone can die on the island until their job on the island is done. Where does all this faith come from? Does he think that Jacob is coming back? Maybe three days later?
  • Smokey/Locke comes to recruit Ben. Tells him he needs Ben to be in charge of the island. Dangles that power in front of him like a carrot. Tells him that him and his followers (Jin, Kate, Claire, Sayid, Sawyer) are all at the hydra station on the other island, and leaves a way for been to survive and escape. Ben goes for it. Interesting that he knows just what to dangle in front of Ben. Power. His ultimate temptation.
  • Onto my very favorite segment in the entire episode. Emmy winning, actually, in my humble opinion. Ben explains to Ilana that he knows how she feels. Betrayed by Jacob. And why he killed Jacob. That he regrets how Alex died. That he had a chance to save Alex, but gave it up for the island. All in the name of Jacob. He realizes and explains that he is sorry he killed Jacob. He asks to leave, and go with Locke, she asks why, and he says that very powerful awesome line, "Because he is the only one that will have me." and she beautifully replies with, "I'll have you." Oh forgiveness, how sweet you are. Loved it. Loved it. Loved it.
  • Then for the good Ben returning to the beach, being accepted by Sun. The reunion of Jack, Hurley, and Richard.
  • Then the most wackadoodle part of the whole episode. We see a really crappy fake looking submarine scope pop out of the water. The guy spies the people on the beach, and asks Widmore (Widmore!!) if he wants to go through with the plan. Widmore says yes, in a very gloom, and doom like manner. At first I thought he was gonna blast Linus. Classic. Ben is finally good, or at least his goodness is seen, and then bam, dead on the beach. But not so much. We're not sure what this plan is, but I'm thinking it's not a good one. What a great way to end the episode. Awesome cliffhanger.


  • I'm beginning to see the line between two sides firmly being drawn in the sand. Smoke monster/Locke versus Jacob. Not sure who's side Widmore lands on, but I'm thinking Smokey.
  • How is it that Widmore was able to find the island this time? Is it because Jacob is now dead?
  • Okay, how many times can I be reminded that there is only 9 episodes left? And what kind of pathetic sneak peak for next week was that? I'm guessing we are gonna finally get back to Sawyer and what's up with him, but ya never can be sure with a terrible teaser like that. Oh well.
  • I really, really, really enjoyed this episode. I think it's because I've always loved Ben, even though I used to think he was creepy and evil. His character is so deep and controversial and mysterious. Love learning more about him. And that bad doesn't always equal bad. There is some good in Ben. Loving this whole episode. I feel redeemed in a way, since I was less than impressed with some of the previous episodes this season. Again, I'm still just enjoying the ride. Not really sure they can tie up all the loose ends and answers, but I'm also not sure I'd want them too. However, it would be nice to know how the polar bears got there. But I guess we kinda know that the island can be moved, so maybe that's the answer. If that's all we're getting on the polar bears though, I'll be slightly ticked. But all in all, I give a 10 out of 10 to this ep. And a big two thumbs up to the actor that plays Ben.

If you have any other further thoughts on the subject feel free to comment away. I love to hear what y'all think.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


So I think I'm about to go insane! I've got some sort of weird allergy going on where my entire body is itching. I'm not sure if it's something I ate, or what, but literally my entire body itches (my scalp, arms, belly, legs, feet, hands), and is red and has these huge bumps all over it. This craziness started on Sunday. Around 2 p.m. every day my body just flares up and itches. It happened yesterday too, and today it's even worse. Yesterday I took some bennedryl and that helped after about an hour or so, so I think I'm going to go take another just as soon as I'm done here, but this has got to stop. So, I'm begging, pleading rather, to see if anyone knows what this possibly could be, and what I might do to stop it. I went to see my doctor this morning, and he said since the benedryl is helping, it's probably allergies of some sort. So helpful. But I guess my question is how on earth do I figure out whats bugging me? I haven't changed laundry detergent, hair stuff, face stuff, makeup or anything, so I'm thinking it must be food. But how do I figure it out? Do I only eat fruits and slowly add stuff back in? The only thing that I've done differently, is well, I sort of flubbed on my giving up sugar for lent. Saturday night I gave in and had some samoas. Those dang girl scout cookies! So, could it possibly be some sort of weird reaction to sugar after cutting it out for three weeks? Doesn't really seem likely since I always ate sugar before. The only other weird thing is some oranges that I bought from some neighbor kid for a fundraiser arrived on Friday and I have been eating about 2 a day since we have a friggin fridge full. But other than that, everything has been status quo. I'm pretty much a creature of habit, and don't really like to try new things, so I am completely baffled as to what this could be. Any ER nurses out there been seeing weird stuff like this lately? I'm a little concerned since I'm prego, but my doctor didn't seem all that worried, so I just don't know. I'm not worried about the baby, just that I might go mad, and scratch my skin off or something. This is crazy. It feels kinda like I usually do after a c-section and the meds are all wearing off, and you get that itchy feeling. Kinda like that, only times ten. So, yeah, if you know of any home remedies, or any idea what this might be, or how to figure out what it is, please, please leave a comment.
My skin thanks you.

Friday, March 5, 2010


I learned from Marta's online blogging workshop to not jumble lots of ideas into posts. To give each idea it's own post. But I learned from myself that I'm too lazy to do that. Beware, this is a long one friends.

  • So I started this early morning walking group a few weeks ago and I am LOVING it. It's early, but not too early, and briskly energizing, but not too fast, and the perfect amount of people and talk. You know how I love to talk. I love running different ideas I have past them, and can see how much just spending an extra few hours a week with certain people has the tendency to form strong bonds and relationships. Not sure I am getting any more in shape, but at least I can sleep better knowing that at least I've done some sort of exercise. I had to let go of my gym membership cause it was too pricey for the amount I was using it, and needed an alternate form of exorcise. Last time I woke up this early on a regular basis, was for a running group. Now I loved the group, but hated the running. But this walking thing is perfect. I'm sure some wished we went faster, but in all honesty, I'm loving the pace, the route, the women. Everything. In fact I would go so far as to recommend a early morning walking group to every woman out there. Something so great and important for women and mothers especially to move their bodies daily, and talk and foster good friendships with women. My early walks accomplish both.
  • So, I think I am addicted to Winder Dairy milk. We get it delivered every Monday and I just love it. Lately for whatever reason, we are consuming more milk (probably cause of the pure awesomeness of it) and we've run out by Friday. So a few weeks ago I sent Hubs (big mistake) to pick up milk, and being the saver that he is, he got generic milk and not Winder Dairy. And yes there is a large difference on price, but also a large difference in taste. Skim Winder is creamy, but not too creamy, and hormone and antibiotic free, and just delish. Generic skim milk is like drinking white water. Ewwww.
  • I don't want to even discuss this since it's just plain terrible, but I feel it must be mentioned. Jake chose Vienna. Just like reality steve said. At first I was ticked, and then I realized that I hate Jake, and think he's a total dork, and deserves crazy-eyes Vienna. Even though I think they are both horrible (how uncomfortable was that whole date with his parents?--awkward) and belong together, I still give them only 6 months max. Unless ABC says they will pay them to get married and do it on TV, in which case, they will be married in six months, and divorced in 3. I know I'm ruthless and mean. Is it just me, or are her eyes weird?
  • So, one of the reasons my blogging has been severely lacking is that I got a job. And I love it. And I think this one deserves it's own post, so I will keep you in suspense till I can get around to blogging about it.
  • I think it's crazy that even with baby number three I am still so huge. I'm always one to show right away when I'm prego. Then I stick straight out. And I look 9 months, even though I'm only like five and a half or something. I am way bigger than this lady I saw who is due in two weeks. And way larger than the other gals in my ward due a good month ahead of me. Oh well. Whaddaya do. I guess I need to realize that this is just what my body does pregnant. The end.
  • So, I gave up Sugar for Lent. Can see no noticeable difference in the three weeks since I gave it up, other than I was shocked at how much sugar I ate each day. It's no longer hard for me to pass it up though. Although sometimes I crave gummy bears. I'm thinking though that it would have been more appropriate to give up my late night snack. Which I thought giving up sugar would accomplish, since my 8 p.m. snack was usually a handful of gummy bears. No dice. Now it's yogurt, or cereal, or dried apples or raw cashews. Something. So I decided to go ahead and give that up too, cause I'm realizing that would be the big sacrifice. So, starting last night I gave it up. Oh, and just so you know, tums don't count. Yes, the heartburn has begun. So no sugar or anything after dinner until Easter. In which case I hope to start incorporating sugar back in on a limited basis, but still do without the late night snack. We'll see how it goes.
  • Have loved the warmer days. This snow today though is throwing me off and I dislike it.
  • The nursery is coming along, although I've done nothing yet, but change furniture around. First I like one table, then another, then another. As of today I have decided to paint the dresser/change table a deep dark turquoise. This might change by the time I make it to home depot and get the desire to actually paint. Still want grey walls. Mulling over the idea of painting the crib. Think it might be a bit much though. Found out it's $500 to reupholster the rocking chair/recliner that I LOVE. Might swing by RC willey and see how much it is to replace it altogether. I love that darn chair though, it's the perfect height, rocks, and reclines, and is comfy as all getout, but the light suede, has been through two kids and either needs a good cleaning--which I'm not sure will be enough, or reupholster. Still mulling this one over. Decided Hubs is going to build me a book shelf thing for the nursery. I am thinking it's going to be really easy and awesome. At least in my head it already is. I will be sure to post pictures if it happens.
  • Thing 1 has had a huge growth spurt in the past month. All his jeans have holes in the knees and are now three inches too short. He sure does rock the floods well though. Just can't justify new jeans at this point in the season though. Does this make me a terrible mom? I think I'll just buy him new longer socks.
  • Oh and keeping with Thing 1 --to keep the high top conversation at bay I told him that before he can get a pair he needed to learn how to tie. (I've never seen velcro high tops--have you?) So now he wants to spend a good half hour each day practising tieing his shoes. We still are nowhere close. And I think in fact, I'd rather listen to high-top talk than teach shoe tying. He got a haircut last week though, and darn if he isn't the cutest little guy.
  • I'm getting released on Sunday after 3.5 years in the Relief Society presidency. I have mixed feelings about this. First I was really excited, and now I'm kinda sad. I love change, and feel it's time, but wow, it's gonna be different. Got a new calling already. Released and sustained all in one day. So much for that break I was hoping for. This calling though I think is going to be a lot less intense. And will be a change for sure. I don't want to spill the beans on it just yet, but I'm sure I'll tell you sometime next week after it's official.
  • I'm starting to get slightly freaked out about new baby. He is growing so fast and now is kicking and punching so hard you can not just feel it, but see it from the outside. It freaked my kids out at first, and I thought that was funny. But now it's to that stage, when about an hour after I've eaten, he get so wiggly that it starts to make me a bit nauseous. I'm not complaining though. I am relishing every wiggle. This just might possibly be the last time I'm pregnant. I'm not saying we're done, I'm just saying adoption is looking really nice right about now.
  • Love that my kids have been just playing spy kids this whole time together that I've been writing this post. They really are best buddies and great kids. I am super lucky. Even though my daughter is getting more and more stubborn, I can't help but love it, cause she is also getting more and more hilarious. She has an awesome personality and man is she smart. Already reading, which I think is pretty neat at 3 and three quarters. We've definitely turned a corner with her, and I love it. I'm a little worried about the new baby though. Either she is going to get really jealous and mean when he arrives, or she will just act like a little mommy. I'm praying it's the latter.
  • So I signed Thing 1 up for a dual immersion program they have in his school district. I really am hoping he gets in. I would love for him to learn another language. I signed him up for French, Spanish and Chinese. We should know by march 15th. I think it would be great for my kids to be completely fluent in another language by the time they are in 6th grade. Can only be helpful in life by opening up doors and opportunities. He will have to switch schools, but I'm not anticipating this being a big deal since he already goes to a different school than all his friends. I was blown away when I sat in and observed a first grade classroom. The teacher only speaks in the opposite language. All their subjects are taught in that language, all the papers are in that language, and the kids must speak in that language. It's pretty amazing actually to hear first graders speak and understand another language after only a year of immersion. The test scores of these kids tend to be on average higher than kids in a "normal" classroom, so that's great too. I'll let you know if and when, and what language he gets in. Something to look forward to.
  • Speaking of looking forward, I've got a vacation coming up that I am ecstatic for. It's coming at just the right time. We are going with a big group of friends for a week without kids to Cali. Just exactly what I need right now. A little time away. Thanks Hoddogs for the invite!
  • Just downloaded some new apps and music to my iphone with a gift certificate to itunes from my mom for valentines day. And they are oh-so-enjoyable. Thanks Mom!

Well, I think I'm just about out of stuff to say. Seems almost impossible I know. Sorry this is so long. I need to post more often. the end.


So let's talk Lost. Cause apparently that's all I blog about anymore. Sorry it's late again. Fell asleep on Tuesday and Wednesday trying to watch it. Yeah, this pregnancy is kicking my ace. I really do have lots of random thoughts and posts in my head but no time to post, or rather no follow through or desire to post. Again, I blame pregnancy. Maybe I'll do some posting today. Maybe. Maybe not. I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. But, without further ado, onto LOST. . .

  • First off, don't you love this Lost Last Supper photo? So interesting. Locke as Jesus? Is this Fake Locke or Locke before he died and his body was taken over? Think it's cool that all the "good" guys are on the right and "bad" on the left. Except for Richard and Ben Linus. And maybe Sayid, and. . . and that brings me right onto my next point.
  • Good vs. Evil. Light vs. Dark. It's been discussed before in past seasons, but seems as though the theme for this season, and really the central focus of Lost. I remember back when Locke was Locke he was always talking about faith vs. fear and light vs. dark. Nowhere has anyone really mentioned good vs. evil. I think that's just automatically where our simple minds seem to go. light=good. dark=bad. Not necessarily so, it seems.
    Remember way back in the first season when Locke says that there are "two sides -one light one dark"? We are so lead to think that Jacob is light (what with his white shirt, and lack of killing) and Fake Locke as dark (what with the dark smoke and killing and all). But what if light and dark just refer to the elements they are able to manipulate? Jacob with the mirrors and light (to spy on potential candidates), and Fake Locke manipulating dark matter with the smoke monster. Or is he the smoke monster? Whatever. You get the point. Light/Dark does not necessarily equal good/evil. Or does it.
  • I'm over feeling frustrated at this show. I've reached some sort of weird peace. I think I just had such high expectations for the show and characters, but in the end I must realize that whatever is going to happen is going to happen because the writers say so. And that's all. This is pure entertainment, and I have to admit, I've been highly entertained for the past five and a half seasons. Completely and totally Lost, but entertained nonetheless. Instead of being pissed at the way things are turning out, I now feel total and complete respect for the writers and the pure brilliance that they have created. I don't really care how it ends, cause it's just been such a fun ride. You know? And maybe this is just one more big parallel on life. Don't worry so much about how things are going to "end up". Just enjoy the ride, cause before you know it (in 10 more eps apparently) it's all going to be over. And we won't have any more LOST to theorize about (my favorite part). We will have to move onto something less dramatic and hopefully less confusing. Which maybe you're happy about. Me however, I think I'm going to just stop bitching about all the lack of answers and enjoy all the confusion. Cause really, it's been one heck of a crazy ride. And I've loved every toss and turn. Okay, now I'll step off my soap box, and we can theorize.
  • Again, so back to the good vs. evil. Dogen tells us, and Sayid, that in every person there is a scale. And so this entire episode focused on Sayid and the tragically tortured person he is. And how good and evil can get all jumbled up into one person. Yes he has tortured and killed many, but we've seen time and time again that this man is capable of love. First with Nadia, and then with Shannon. We've also learned that Sayid is a good man, who has done lots and lots and lots of bad things. He's constantly conflicted with the idea of doing a wrong thing for the right reason. Being able to separate this was the entire focus of tonight's episode. And we see this same reoccurring thing in many of the characters. Kate for instance--pretty much a good gal on the island (raising aaron and all, but did kill her step dad.) Jack --obviously good, yet in the flashforward was a druggie, and in the flash sideways not such a great dad. Hmmmm. I could go on and on. Jin, Sun even (remember those crazy eps where she gets off the island?), Sawyer, Ben? I could go on and on. I know there is something we are supposed to gain from all this, but what? We all have light and dark within us, and sometimes it's so close it's hard to discern? In fact, on an even crazier note, maybe the whole island is a person/being and maybe Jacob and Fake Locke are just parts of him? Maybe Jack's dad? Um, yeah, maybe that's a little out there, but if you think about it in larger terms, and I'm totally sorry if I lose you here but, even God -the ultimate good- created or was able to create evil--in Satan. At least I think. Sure Satan chose for himself, but he was one of God's creations. Wow. Okay, back to reality.
  • Loving all the crossovers of characters in the flash sideways. Jack in the hospital. That evil Seemy guy who likes eggs and SAyid kills. Just so fun. Think it's sad that Sayid, even in the flash sideways can't seem to escape his past. And he still doesn't end up with Nadia. I wonder if this is what he chooses (Nadia) when he makes a deal with the devil (Fake Locke) so to say when he is promised he can have anything in the world. Or out? Hmmmm. I did notice that both Jacob and Fake Locke make promises in order to get people to do stuff.
  • Did you notice that Dogan still could not kill SAyid, and tried to get Fake Locke to do it? Did Sayid not succeed in his mission to kill Fake Locke cause Fake Locke spoke first, and his mission was to stab him before he spoke, or was it just to piss Fake Locke off? If Dogan could not kill Sayid, was that because he was or is still a candidate? Even if he has died (for 2 hours Miles tells us!) and been brought back? Is he no longer a candidate? Is he evil? And just who exactly brought him back? And I guess I was wrong in my theory that he was Jacob.
  • Did anyone else find Claire's rendition of "catch a falling star" uber creepy? Not sure I'll ever be able to sing that song again without feeling a tad bit evil.
  • Where is Sawyer? I would like an update please.
  • Apparently the smoke monster can not penetrate pits. FYI-If you ever come in contact with him, just jump in a pit.
  • Where did Illana, the pilot, miles and ben escape to in the wall? Same wall Hurley & Jack left out of. Smoke monster can not penetrate walls either. I am still confused at the crazy, easily spooked Ben. I liked the confident creepy Ben better. I am hoping he gets an episode soon too. And the fact that Ilana is a main character yet we know nothing about her, is strange.
  • I am still loving Miles and his one-liners. Especially his one about Claire being dirty and crazy but still hot. And to Kate, welcome back to the circus. Indeed!
  • Thought it was interesting that Dogen came to the island in a similar way that Juliet did. To save someone. His son, her sister.
  • Smoke Monster kills everyone in the temple (except for those that can jump in Pitts and escape into walls). Sad for them.
  • Was it just me or did Fake Locke seem genuinely surprised to see Kate? And Kate is now a follower of Fake Locke?

Wow. So many crazy thoughts floating through my head. It's insane. But I really truly am loving it. Sorry this was so long. You can get back to your Friday now. Any additional insignts or thoughts you might have, just leave 'em in the comments. Thanks!

On a side note. Yesterday it was fifty degrees. Today there is six inches of snow, and still falling. Gotta love Spring. I'm out.